[특파원 리포트] North Korea calls for the resumption of the Kaesong industrial complex, Kumgang … North Korea declares that the nuclear compromise of the North could be close to the available audio clip


North Korea urges the Korean government to restart the Kaesong Industrial Complex and resume tourism on Mount Kumgang. However, experts say that the role of the South Korean government can not be limited because of the international sanctions on North Korea, which is important, is that North Korea denuclearize it boldly.

In the commentary titled "What blocks the new journey of North-South relations," the newspaper of the Workers' Party of North Korea "Labor Journal"

The newspaper said: "The owner of Cheong Wa Dae has changed, but the closure of the Kaesong Industrial Zone by the former Conservative government and the suspension of the Kumgangsan tourism disruption are not enough to get rid of it,"

In addition, we had labor talks with the rail and road sector, held military talks, winning a single inter-Korean table tennis team, preparing the reunion of separated families, "The problem is that these sites do not lead to a steady stream of improved relationship,

North Korea's complaints are interpreted as lack of progress in economic cooperation projects, despite recent contacts and exchanges between the two Korea.

However, the South Korean government maintains that it is difficult to engage realistically in North-South economic cooperation projects in the face of continuing sanctions against North Korea .

On November 27, the Ministry of Unification of the Ministry of Unification approved the approval of the application to visit the Kaesong Industrial Complex, Wei Jin, an Assistant Deputy Minister of Ministry of Unification, explained the reason for the 30th regular information session:

[녹취: 이유진 부대변인] "We have reserved the approval for the visit to North Korea.We informed the Applicant accordingly.

The companies that moved into the Kaesong Industrial Complex have requested the approval of the six trips since the closure of the plant in February 2016. However,

  Part of the Mount Kumgang is seen at the Mt. Kumgang North hotel in 2009.

The Mt. Kumgang part is seen at Mt. Kumgang North hotel in 2009.

Mt. Kumgang Tower ago over 10 years old, since July 11, 2008, a Korean tourist has been walking early in the morning and died after being a beaten by a North Korean army.

Professor Kim Jun-hyung of Handong University said that there is a limit to what the Korean government can do because of international sanctions against North Korea

[녹취: 김준형 교수] "

Professor Kim says that the Korean government is only doing business that is not subject to sanctions, because it's a situation in which it can not do such things as the economic cooperation, road or railway

The South Korean Government argues for an exception to North Korean sanctions for inter-Korean cooperation projects.

In fact, recently, the United Nations Security Council I have also been approved for

However, the South Korean government has made it clear that this is not an approach to sanction sanctions that calls for an exception to the North


Experts say that the government South Korean, in particular, I have no choice but to say.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs Mark Lambert recently met with officials of Korea-South Korea's economic co-operation North.

Shin Bum-cheol, director of the Asan Institute for Policy Studies at the Asan Institute for Political Studies, said that the United States was the natural choice for the United States of America. announce sanctions against North Korea.

[녹취: 신범철 센터장] "6.12 When the attitude of North Korea regarding delays in the implementation of the agreement appeared after the summit, it can be reasonably concluded that the restoration of North-South links South and the mitigation of sanctions are finally designed. "

Kim Jun-hyung, a professor at Handong University, said that North Korea's drastic denuclearization measures are needed to ease sanctions against North Korea and that the United States should take steps to measures to increase pressure on North Korea. On the other hand, Chung Sung-jang, director of Sejong Institute's Research Planning Division, rejected the sanctions that the North is completely denuclearized.

[녹취: 정성장 본부장] It is not possible to accept the position of the United States that they will not.

"If North Korea does not receives no compensation until it disposes of its nuclear warhead, rejects the ICBM and dismantles its nuclear facilities, it will be a very humiliating affair for North Korea. "

It has says that it is necessary to phase out the sanctions in accordance with the progress of the denuclearization of North Korea.

VOA News of Seoul is Lee Yeon Chul.

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