[해외 이모저모] Explosion of the Texas Gas Plant … Evacuation Nearby


An explosion occurred at a Texas gas plant, and nearby residents were evacuated.

An explosion occurred in a gas plant in Austin County Monday morning local time

The acetylene gas used to cut steel is presumed to be the because of the fire.

Fortunately, there was no one in the factory at the time of the explosion, and there was no damage to the victim.

Authorities investigate the exact cause of the explosion


On the morning of local time, on the morning of the 16th, there was an accident of ten times on a road in Minas Gerais, 19659002] Up to now, eight people have died and 52 people have been injured.

A fire broke out in a truck just after the accident, Close

Subsequently, the blockade of the road dwaetneundeyo.


The tires seem to melt like ice cream

This is a road in the Sutton Tableland region of Queensland, Australia.

Some time ago, I repacked some sections of the road, but as the temperature rises, the asphalt melts and sticks to the car's tires.

Some cars have tires attached to the road, which can cause accidents.

Authorities urgently closed the roads and promised damage to more than 50 drivers who suffered damage with an apology.


In the uniform of the French national team La Mona Lisa

Italy is out on a piece of this photo

Immediately after winning the World Cup in France, the Louvre Museum in Paris

The Italian master, Mona Lisa de Leonardo da Vinci, is a combination of the uniform of the France football team

The Italians have seen the uniform of the France team on the picture of the French painter.

A British broadcaster is also involved with the Mona Lisa as an Italian fan because he is presumed to be a Florentine.

The two countries disagree on the return of Mona Lisa, (19659025) (function (d, s, id) {the number of sick people,
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