[헬스TALK] The night air conditioner caused joint pain … go to the hospital in more than a week – Chosunbiz


Entry: 2018.07.28 07:00

The summer is a troublesome disincentive for patients with osteoarthritis. OA is generally considered a winter condition, but joint pain is more severe in the summer because of high temperatures and humidity.

According to the National Health Insurance Assessment Service, the number of domestic patients seeking hospitals is about 2.2 million. Last July, the number of patients with osteoarthritis was 1.9 million, and the number of patients was 1.1 million in August

The most painful period of osteoarthritis in summer is the time of the tropics. Tropical nights with temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius after 18 hours increase joint inflammation and interfere with sleep due to heat and pain. Patients suffer from pain and heat due to heat.

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