1 out of 6 medical workers with latent TB … Concerns about patient infection


One in six hospital doctors and nurses reported being infected with TB but diagnosed with latent tuberculosis without TB. Latent tuberculosis is not symptomatic, and tuberculosis is not discharged to the outside of the body, so that tuberculosis does not spread to others, but if immunity is Weakens, tuberculosis can develop. In general, about 10% of latent TB patients develop active TB and 90% simply have latent TB infection.

According to the latest issue of the scientific journal "Scientific Reports", the National Health Insurance Hospital Ilsan has 1655 medical staff (423 men, (N = 7), nurses (n = 777) , physicians (n ​​= 158), technicians (n ​​= 210) and technicians (n ​​= 210) (13%), facilities management and badistants 331 (20%), management staff 155 (9%) and pharmacists 24 (2%) The interferon-gamma secretion test (IGRA), more accurate than the skin reaction test (TST), was used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis the tent.

The prevalence of latent TB by occupation was highest in 24% (38 patients) who had direct contact with patients. Followed by 22% (73) facility managers and badistants, 20% (41) technicians, 15% (24) executives, 12% (94) nurses and 4% pharmacists.

The experts point out that the reason for the high rate of latent tuberculosis among medical staff is due to the characteristics of hospitals suffering from respiratory diseases. Mycobacterium tuberculosis usually spreads through the salivary glands that are secreted when the patient coughs, and it is known that infection occurs in about 30% of the contactors.

The researchers found that the prevalence of latent TB among health care workers was high, but did not exceed the level of the general population. According to the CDC survey, the prevalence of latent TB in Korea varies greatly from 2.1% to 34% depending on the subjects surveyed. However, the relative risk (TB) of latent TB among HCWs is higher (2.2-fold) in men, 1.5-fold in men (1.5-fold) and 1.5-fold in men. people with active TB (2.8 times)

The researchers noted that the BCG vaccination rate for TB prevention remained at 65% among the subjects of the survey, indicating that the Tuberculosis control measures in hospitals are still insufficient.

Medical workers must be screened for tuberculosis every year, in accordance with the 2016 revision of the Tuberculosis Prevention Act. In addition, only one visit to work is mandatory for the detection of tuberculosis. latent TB infection.

In the paper, the researchers wrote, "Medical personnel have a high risk of tuberculosis infection and the onset of the disease at the hospital, such as multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. The relative risk of TB should be monitored. "

[이병문 의료전문 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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