12 NK strike seems linked to success …


'Live here, that's Washington'; It's time for America to deliver live American news.

What do you have today?

Journalist Robert Muller, who is investigating the Russian scandal, has indicted 12 Russians for interference in the 2016 US presidential election. The federal Justice Ministry is expected to investigate the murder of the Russians. Emmett, who would have been the catalyst for the American civil rights movement. The Federal Ministry of Justice has appealed to the District Court to prevent the acquisition of Time Warner by AT & T. Following the news that the execution of the drug painkiller has been suspended because of the court's decision.

Moderator) This is America News. Muller said that the prosecution repeatedly sued the Russians?

Reporter) Yes. "The indictment accuses twelve Russian military officers, who are in charge of the US presidential election in 2016, were indicted by the federal Attorney General of the Federal Attorney General Rod Rosenstain." [19659006] Reporters) The prosecution is to prosecute 12 Russian officers involved in the presidential election. The federal grand jury has asked for a federal grand jury, and the federal grand jury has approved it, said Secretary Rosenstein. They are accused of hacking the network of election officials and related agencies to steal information and pbad this information to the outside world.

The people who are accused are all soldiers?

Reporter) Yes, that's it.

[녹취: 로젠스타인 부장관] "Defendants worked for two units …"

) Russian soldiers charged with hacking computer network of Democrats of Democratic Congress, Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democrat candidate of Democratic Party Party Democrat, as well as the State Commission, the Secretary of State,.

Hosts found themselves hacked into a network of people working in organizations targeted by e-mail strangled with bait, or planted malicious programs on a hacked computer network.

reporter) Yes that is the case. They worked in two groups.

Moderator: I did not stop stealing information to intervene in the American presidential election, but I did not even work on it.

Reporter) Yes. . The defendants distributed a large amount of material or information stolen on the Internet under the name of "DCLeaks" or "Guccifer 2.0". The defendants also used a counterfeit identity to conceal their identity, used a worldwide network and wrote pbadwords to pay for money, said Secretary Rosenstein.

Is there an American citizen involved in this work?

reporter) not available. Rosenstein also said that Russian electoral intervention did not affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Moderator: Do you remember that Mueller had already sued Russians?

Journalist: Yes. He indicted 13 Russians and 3 Russians for alleged involvement in the US presidential election, misleading his identity in the Internet Society Network Service (SNS).


) Is it possible that the accused are punished?

Reporter: As you may have guessed, in reality, the defendants in Russia The punishment is impossible.

The White House responded to the Russians' chase

The White House declared the day of 13 (Sunday)) Emphasized that no one has been accused of Trump's election camps. Mr. Trump's personal attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, also said that no American was involved, and it is now time for Mueller to finish his investigation.

Leader) Please, tell me the reaction of the Democratic Party.

Yes, I urge you to cancel the United States-Russia summit in Helsinki, Finland on the 16th. Democratic Senator Mark Warner, Democratic Secretary of the Democratic Party, said that Russia had participated in the meeting. US presidential election. President Trump and President Putin should not be seen alone without a fugitive. "src =" https://gdb.voanews.com/6523AE43-67D5-43CD-B5CF-3983AF4AD869_w250_r0_s.jpg "/>

Emmett Cemetery, buried at Barock Cemetery, Illinois, USA "src =" https://gdb.voanews.com/6523AE43-67D5-43CD-B5CF-3983AF4AD869_w250_r0_s.jpg "/>

Emmettil Cemetery buried at Barock Cemetery, Illinois, USA

There is news that the Federal Ministry of Justice is investigating the murder of an old black teenager?

Reporter: Yes. The federal Justice Department is investigating the murder of Emmett in the state of Mississippi in 1955, according to US media reports. The Federal Ministry of Justice announced in March that it had sent new evidence to the federal parliament, namely that it had resumed its investigation.

What kind of case is this case?

Reporter) Yes. In 1955, a 14-year-old black teenager in Mississippi was brutally murdered after abducting a white woman for harbading a white woman. Emmett, who lived in Chicago at the time, visited Money in Mississippi to meet with his relatives in August of this year. Till-kun came here to buy a sword at a store run by a white couple, but there was a problem here.

What happened at the store?

Yes. My husband, Roy Bryant, was not at the store at the time. I do not know what happened at the store, but my husband, Bryant, came back later, and I think Tyl had whistled to mean Mrs. Carolyn.

So did you kidnap Tyl and kill him? 19659003] reporter) Yes. Later, Til slept at his uncle's house and was kidnapped. He died after the face was unrecognizable, and the body was found in the river a few days later

Moderator: Is Roy Bryant punished?


Moderator: So how did you know that Mr. Bryant had killed Till's army? 19659003] A man found guilty, Bryant later admitted the crime in a magazine.

What did Caroline testify to him?

Reporter) In a statement, she said that she was insulted with words. The court said that Till touched him and said that he had had a bad conversation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) explained that Till had touched

Moderator: The statement changed from time to time.

Reporter) Yes. Carolyn told Tymoshi Tyson, who eventually collected the Till case data, that Tyl had not spoken to touch her or tease her in 2008, saying she had not nothing to justify what happened to Til.

Moderator) If Mr. Caroline's statement in the interview is true, then innocent people have lost their lives.

Reporter) Yes. Until the mid-twentieth century, it was possible in the southern United States, where racial discrimination was severe. Even if a white man unfairly rapes blacks, there have been many cases where the jury in power of a white man looks at this kind of crime.

What was the reaction of American society at the time after Till's murder?

Reporters nationwide, demonstrations took place. Pastor Martin Luther King Jr., later known as a black civil rights activist, led the protests. And the mythical figure of the black civil rights movement, Ms. Rosa Parkes, said she liked this Till incident when she was a civil rights activist. The murder of Till also affected the creation of the 1957 Civil Rights Act by the federal Parliament, which granted black voting rights.

The offender, such as the murder of the killer Till, was later convicted

. . The most important case was Edgar Rey Killen, who killed three civil rights activists in 1964, was tried again in 2005 and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Killen left the prison earlier this year.

Moderator) This was a pretty famous event, too?

Reporter) Yes. This case was later made in a film called "Mississippi Burning" and is familiar to people. In 2010, a former patrol of Alabama was charged with murder in the 1960s, when the incident became the occasion of the famous Alabama Bridge Selma's march.

was not there?

reporter) There was. In 2004, the FBI re-examined the case. But I did not have a star. In 2007, the Mississippi prosecutor sent the case to the grand jury and demanded that Caroline be charged with murder, but the grand jury refused that request.

reporter) I do not know. I do not know what evidence the investigators have acquired. Moreover, it is difficult to predict the result because the time is too long.

Caroline, who is responsible for the murder of Till, still alive?

Reporter) I am alive. However, some media have tried to contact the examination, and it is reported that there is no answer. Meanwhile, Timothy Tyson, who wrote a book on the murder of Emmett, said that he welcomed the review and testified at the FBI last year and handed over the documents.

Washington, DC, United States.

The organizer of the Federal Department of Justice. In June, the telecommunications company AT & T decided to acquire the media company Time Warner, but the Federal Ministry of Justice appealed the case.

June 12 last Washington D.C. The Federal District Court ruled that the case had been approved conditionally. The Federal Department of Justice appealed to the second sentence yesterday (12th)

Moderator) Why does the federal Department of Justice oppose this?

reporter) It's simple. When AT & T takes over Time Warner, she argues that there will be less competition and more fees will be imposed on consumers. President Trump also published an article on the Internet saying that he opposed the merger of the two companies

.) Do you remember that the size of the merger of the two companies is huge?

Yes. It reaches 85 billion dollars.

AT & T and Time Warner are one of the leading companies in this field.

Reporter) Yes, that's the case. AT & T is a telecommunications company that provides wired and wireless telephone networks, Internet networks and cable networks. Time Warner is a major media company that owns the famous cable TV channel, Warner Brothers, and CNN and TNT. AT & T's goal is to become a giant telecommunications company by combining Time Warner content with its communications network.

Moderator: Is there another great fusion other than this one?

T Mobile, a large mobile telecommunications company, is pushing for the acquisition of Sprint. Media maker Walt Disney and telco Comcast are racing to acquire 21st Century Fox.

The AT & T side was astonished at the call, and Washington DC at two men. The Federal Court of Appeal has declared itself ready to defend the verdict of first instance.

  In hospital pharmacies of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, we see a bottle of medicine called "Midazolam"

Oklahoma, Oklahoma.

Moderator: "America Naw" One more thing to see. Is the news that the execution of the death sentence using drug injections in Western Nevada has been interrupted by a court order?

journalists) Yes. Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez of Clark County, Nevada, ordered him to stop the execution of Scott Dozer on the morning of 11. Dozier, who had been sentenced to death for murder in 2002, was to be executed the evening of the drug injection.

The reason why the order was ordered to stop the execution of his brother? . This is because of a lawsuit filed by Al Bogen, the company that created the drug, Midazolam. Al Bogen asked the court to stop the execution of his brother, saying that the Nevada State Correctional Authority illegally bought Midazolam and did not want Midazolam to be used in l & # 39; execution.

Which drug is Medicinum that has been programmed

reporter) It is a kind of sedative. Three drugs were to be used in Dozier's execution. First, release the death row with Midazolam, then completely lose consciousness with the next "fentanyl", then finally inject the drug "sisatracylium" to paralyze the muscles and breathe completely.

I told you to use fentanyl in the run, but why are you in your ear?

Reporter? It is one of the "narcotic badgesics", or "opioids," designated by the US government. There are many people in the United States who abuse or abuse this fentanyl and lose their lives, which is becoming a social problem.

How did the Nevada Correctional Authority purchase the drug without telling you the purpose of the purchase?

Yes. Albogens claims that the authorities misled him when he bought midazolam from a wholesaler for general prescription purposes.

Moderator By the way, in recent years, several new regional regulatory agencies have struggled to find a drug for the execution of a sentence [19659003] reporter) Yes. Companies that manufacture drugs for execution refuse to sell drugs. These companies have stopped selling or supplying drugs, the death penalty for injecting drugs becoming more and more inhumane.

Moderator: Dozier, who was waiting for his death, would be happy to have a court decision.

Reporter: But the reaction of the parties is unexpected. Dozier says that he does not live death row life and wants to be executed. As a reference, 31 of the 50 US states currently have the death penalty.

Host) Yes. & # 39; America Now & # 39 ;, today is here. It was Kim Jung Woo's journalist until now.

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