15.7 billion controversy over the suspension of UFG … "Rather fatter"


▲ US President Donald Trump ⓒ Daily

Trump "US military training costs are expensive"
WASHINGTON – US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday that the United States had spent $ 15.7 billion on the U.G. program. Freedom Guardian (UFG), due to take place in August. It is pointed out that there may be other ways to spend money to get real-time experience that the training provides.

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the United States would cut their budget by about 15.7 billion US dollars ($ 14 million) due to the suspension of the UFG.

US President Donald Trump said at a press conference after last month's summit with North Korea that "the cost of US military training is expensive, provocative and inappropriate," did he declare.

Experts point out that the US-ROK combined training should not stop the chore, saying that this can not only inhibit Pyongyang's provocations, but can also be used as a major map in future denuclearization negotiations .

Lawrence Cove, senior researcher at the United States Progress Center, said: "The suspension of the alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea is a wise penny and a stupid pound .) "We can not save as much as we expected, but it will cost more."

▲ North Korea, Kim Jong-a President Secretary (left) and Donald Trump, US President met at the summit North American held in Singapore last month.

Trump's abandonment of joint training is interpreted as an intention to drive the denuclearization of North Korea through active emancipating gestures.

President Trump said that after the North American summit,

However, diplomatic efforts to resolve military pressure on the Korean Peninsula without preemptively adopting a comprehensive agreement of denuclearization and implementation , even though the controversy arises, is that "Kim Jong- Point out that it's a jellyfish.

In particular, North Korea, which practices the "salami tactics", has a large number of bargaining cards to present on the denuclearization bargaining table. It is badyzed as a holding company.

If North Korea finally demands that US troops be withdrawn from the United States, Hanmi will refuse to do so. It is feared that North Korea will become a denial of denuclearization. [데일리안 = 이배운 기자]

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