1823 students in the first half of Chungbuk infectious disease … Most cases of influenza


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Infection of 1823 students in the first half of Chungbuk ...

(Cheongju = News 1) Journalist Eum Jung | The most influential [ 2018-07-28 17:15 Songwon

© News1

The number of students confirmed as infectious diseases in Chungbuk province during the first half of this year was greater than 1800 and the infectious disease the most common was the flu.

According to the Bureau of Education, 1,1823 students have been confirmed to have legal or illegal infectious diseases in the first half of the year in the first half of this year (January to June).

The 610 students were the most affected by the flu. Influenza patients were found in March (195 people) and January (181 people). Followed the order of 570 patients, followed by 480 cases of pneumococcal conjunctivitis, 68 cases of mumps and 26 cases of disability.

An Education Bureau official said, "Whenever we wash our hands, it is important to pay attention to personal hygiene management to prevent various infectious diseases. "

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