2 [Tidbit] Lovemaking couple saved f … Announcing the end of the war


[Seoul-NewYes] Jang Yoon-hee, political bureau reporter of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Yang Jing, met with the head of the National Security Agency Yi Yong-jeong yesterday. Observers are increasingly watching the South and North, the United States and the Middle East to discuss the statement.

China would be more interested in signing a more legally binding peace treaty than the declaration of the end of the war. However, North Korea was asked to persuade China to push forward the declaration of the end of the political declaration to ensure the security of the system.

A senior official in the presidential office said: "It is true that both members of the committee attended the press conference, and it was held in private for a better dialogue between the two governments."

The official said: "There was a story about the release of the reprisals Sad." "This is not true," he said, referring to reports that the declaration of the end of the war had been discussed at the North American summit.

Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa told a plenary session of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Reunification of the National Assembly on December 25: "I think China is a Important partner to cooperate on the Korean peninsula.

Ji Yong-yong chose the answer to the statement of the end of the meeting of journalists at Incheon Airport after his visit to the United States on November 22.

Chung said, He said he did not answer the question of "the possibility of a tripartite summit between the three nations at the UN General Assembly in New York in September , and the details of the declaration of the end of the talks with Bolton. "

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