"20 to 30 people infected with HIV, do not keep the reservation of the hospital" | dispatch


(Seoul-Yonhap News) Kim Gil-won journalist = 20 to 30 generations acquired from the acquired immunodeficiency virusHIVInfections increase, but these age groups do not follow reservations for toxic hospital treatments.

Boramae Hospital of Seoul National University Hospital, Infection and Internal Medicine, HIV In total, 775 people were diagnosed with the disease.

The results of this study are as follows:JKMS) Was published in the last issue.

HIV An infected person is a concept that collectively refers to a person who has a virus in the body. On the other handAIDSAIDS patients) HIV A person who has developed a complication due to a lack of immunity after an infection.

HIVIf you have been caught, you can prevent the occurrence of complications, as well as the transmission of the potential virus to find antiretroviral therapy in a medical facility.ART).

However, according to the survey results, 12.5% ​​of patients surveyed did not observe the appointments at the hospital for treatment.

Especially 20 to 34 years HIV Among those infected (152), this ratio was 21.7%, which was much higher than 13.1% of 35-49 year olds (328 people) and 7.1% of those over 50 (295 people ).

The research team HIV It is estimated that the risk that an infected person does not observe a treatment appointment is 5 times higher than that of 50 years or older.

In the paper, HIV "Infected people tend not to follow the planned treatment because they are less susceptible to disease than older people,HIV Patients who do not follow the treatment well should be treated well enough to die sooner than those who do not. "

In this study, HIV It was observed that the infected person did not observe the treatment program well. This is due to the inconvenience of the current payment system for the first payment and the reimbursement of medical expenses by the government a few months later.

The & # 39; 2017 & # 39; compiled by the CDC HIV/AIDS (33.1%), followed by 290 people (24.3%) in the 30 years and 212 people (17.8%) in the 40s. Of the 1,191 new infections reported last year, 39


<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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