[2018 국감] Antibiotic Prescription Rates for Infants 80% … Cause of Chronic Disease


(Data provided = Lee Myung-soo's office)

(Data provided = Lee Myung-soo's office)

Antibiotic abuse, such as the prescription rate of 80% of prescriptions for infants and young children in national hospitals, is serious and can cause chronic diseases after growth.

"The current rate of antibiotic prescription for children under 6 years old for the treatment of acute otitis media is above 80% on average, but the prescription rate of antibiotics for infants and young immunocompromised children is low, "said Lee Myung-soo, chairman of the National Committee of Health and Welfare. There is a need for special measures, such as the incentive for low-prescription institutions to lower this level. "

According to the recent issue of JKMS, an international journal published by the Korean Medical Association, the team of Professor Oh Myung-Don of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Seoul National University Hospital caused the neonatal death of the Lee Dae-mok hospital, causing complex problems Growth rate, increased fat mbad and blockage of small capillaries of the lungs, causing fat embolism.

In addition, studies have shown that microbial damage caused by antibiotic abuse during childhood can lead to chronic diseases after growth. The excessive increase in the number of resistant micro-organisms caused by intestinal microbial narrowing can seriously compromise intestinal microbial composition and this condition can be maintained for a long time, which can be problematic when adolescents become adults. He appeared.

Antibiotics used to treat infectious diseases of infants and young children have the side effect of killing beneficial gut bacteria that are important for health.The damage to beneficial intestinal microorganisms caused by antibiotics does not can not be easily recovered even after several years.The intestinal imbalance being fixed,. In particular, when antibiotic-resistant bacteria are produced, the entire structure of intestinal microorganisms is seriously deformed and, therefore, they are vulnerable to various chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and atopy.

"Antibiotic abuse for infants and young children is very serious because the average antibiotic prescription rate for infants slightly immunized against acute otitis media is close to 80%." % and infants with antibiotic resistance can cause sepsis or fat embolism, "said Lee. . "The damage caused by the microbiological damage caused by the abuse of antibiotics in infants and young children can become a cause of vulnerability to various chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and diabetes." Atopy after infant growth In infants and young children, incentives are given to low antibiotic prescribing institutions It is necessary to prepare special measures, such as.

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