25-day White House meeting, trade war between the EU and the US


US "Customs on EU Cars" against the EU "Additional retaliatory measures" … Finding a compromise

The European Union and the United States are in the middle of a trade war between the Atlantic Ocean and this week should be a turning point to see if the trade dispute between the two parties is in the process of resolution or aggravation.
Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the executive committee of the EU executive committee, will meet US President Donald Trump at the White House the following day to discuss ways to resolve the trade dispute between the two parties.

Jukker is preparing to visit Washington in the hope of finding a breakthrough in resolving trade disputes during a meeting with President Trump.

US President Trump urged the EU to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum products as of June 1 and the EU will counter against US imports of $ 2.8 billion. euros (including orange, bourbon, jeans and motorcycles)

President Trump then is eager to impose a 20% duty on European automobiles, and the European Union , in turn, imposed a tariff on automobiles. I must say that I will do it.

According to the Commission, European exports of steel and aluminum to the United States amount to about 6.4 billion euros (8.3 trillion won), but exports of the EU to the US exceed 50 billion euros (65 trillion won) a year. .

If the United States imposes tariffs on automobiles whose trade volume is eight times higher than that of steel and aluminum products of the EU, trade disputes between the two sides of the Atlantic may become unmanageable.

Cecilia Malstrom, European Commissioner for Trade, said on the 19th that "the measures against steel and aluminum have become a reality in a simple investigation" and "if the United States did the same for cars, it will be a disaster, "he warned.

Malstrom's executive committee accompanies the president of the Jukker in Washington.

Malstrom said in a speech at the time: "We will hold a historic friendship between Europe and the United States and will meet with President Trump."

EU and Foreign Ministers plan to propose a multilateral agreement to eliminate tariffs in the automotive sector in order to resolve the car dispute between the United States and Europe.

The negotiations include not only the United States and the EU, but also Korea, Japan, China and Mexico.

Currently, the EU imposes a 10% tariff on all imported foreign cars and the US imposes a 2.5% duty on EU-owned automobiles.

The EU also plans to offer President Trump a way to reduce or even eliminate tariffs on industrial products.

The EU is preparing tough policies with these compromise books.

Malstrom, in a recent speech, warned that if President Trump imposes high tariffs on cars, the EU is preparing a list of retaliatory measures.

The EU is taking action to retaliate against the United States for US products such as coal, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

But the antagonism between the two parties is too keen to expect cumulative trade disputes between the United States and the EU to be released in June –

In an interview with US media recently, President Trump stipulated the EU as "enemy in normal trade" in the 1970s.

At a summit of NATO and NATO leaders on November 11 and 12 in Brussels, President Trump said that European countries are not free from their own security without increasing defense spending. .

President Trump pleaded guilty at the official summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday to show his hands on the enemy of Russia, Russia.

Even President Trump suggested that the United States may not fulfill its security commitments to the NATO alliance in relation to the main clause collective defense of NATO.

The EU continued to abuse market dominance on Google, a major US computer company, and said it would pay 4.3 billion euros (about 5 700 billion won) of fines. And President Trump has publicly criticized.

Jukker will travel to Washington on October 24 to meet with President Trump at the White House at 1:30 pm on May 25, then discuss relations between the United States and the EU.

In a recent speech, Janker recently said, "I am very surprised to see the President of the United States declare the enemy Europe because the United States and Europe grew up with a belief innocent that they are brothers and sisters. Sometimes I do not take care of myself, "he criticized the United States.

He said: "During my visit to the United States, I will defend the cause of the Europeans".

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(Brussels-Yonhap News) Correspondent of Kim Byung-soo

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