& # 39; & # 39 Carcinogen; Drug Hypertension How to change to another medicine


   Resumption of sales of "controversial carcinogenic hypertension drug" (82) Following the audit of 219 hypertension drugs (82 companies) suspected of containing carcinogens, the Food and Drug Administration Drug Administration (40 companies) announced that they did not contain the substance and have released the sale and suspension of production of these products. The photo shows citizens buying medicine at a pharmacy in downtown Seoul this afternoon. 2018.7.9 yatoya@yna.co.kr/2018-07-09 15: 51: 06 / <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2018 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.> "data-src =" http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/ 09 / 5e2cd526-20ff-4474-be4c-ff4598e8cc9f.jpg "/> <span clbad=

Resumption of the sale of" controversial carcinogen drug hypertension "(Kim, In-chul) In total, 219 drugs against Hypertension (82 companies) were discontinued and 91 products (40 companies) did not contain the substance 2018.7.9 [email protected]/2018-07-09 15: 51: 06 / <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2018 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>

Drugs against high blood pressure made from Chinese raw materials mixed with carcinogens The Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) announced on the 9th that the raw material drugs manufactured by the Chinese pharmaceutical company Ji Jian Hua Hai A total of of 219 antihypertensive drugs that can be used in Valsartan have been tested to confirm the safety of 104 products and ever suspension of sales and manufacturing.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare said: "We have established procedures for re-ordering and exemption of patient fees to prevent patient safety and confusion." Patients who take prescription medications can be re-prescribed at no extra charge. The target of the prescription is the 115 items that have been advertised as a prescription drug for valsartan, a medicine for hypertension, If you visit a pharmacy, you can get another prescription and a cure with other antihypertensive medications that have no problem. If it is difficult to find even a pharmacy can be a drug exchange (alternative preparation). The number of days of prescription is only available for the rest of the existing prescription. If prescribed or prepared with other medications (eg, diabetes medications), you can only prescribe and re-prescribe the treatment for hypertension which was a problem this time.

  On December 9, a drug called "valsartan" was put on sale at a Seoul pharmacy. The Food and Drug Administration of Korea (KFDA) said on May 6 that she was involved in the use of raw materials in accordance with the information that

9, there is a drug called "valsartan" that is hanging in a pharmacy in Seoul. The Food and Drug Administration of Korea (KFDA) said on May 6 that she was involved in the use of raw materials in accordance with the information that "N-nitroso dimethylamine (NDMA) ", carcinogen contained in valsartan made in China, the company suspended the sale of 219 products (82 companies) for the treatment of domestic hypertension, suspended manufacturing and imports and confirmed the use of raw materials. As a result of the survey conducted by the Ministry of Food and Drug Administration, 128 products were used with 219 drugs. 91 items were abandoned because they do not use the raw materials and the remaining 32 items are being inspected. 2018.7.9 / News 1

The Ministry of Health and Welfare explained: "We do not operate the reimbursement procedure separately because it is a drug that requires continued use. " Instead, there is no co-payment to be paid by the patient himself at the time of prescribing, dispensing or exchanging drugs in a hospital, a clinic or pharmacy that has received an existing prescription. If you pay the co-payment on the 9th day of the prescription and distribution, you will receive a reward for the harvest.

In addition, the Ministry of Health and Welfare decided to provide the patient with information about the Center for Evaluation and Assessment of Health Insurance so that medical institutions such as hospitals and clinics can guide these actions. You can contact the patient individually after confirming the list of patients in the medical facility that prescribed the drug causing the problem.



The Department of Health and Welfare announced that "current medications are suspended, visit medical facilities that have been treated first and modify prescriptions, or visit pharmacies I will guide you. "Patients were asked to answer questions about hypertension.

Q1: What medications can I exchange?
A1: This is a valsartan-based ingredient that has been discontinued to be used as a source of impurities.

Q2: Are the drugs already taken refunded?
A2: It is only possible to exchange for the rest of the medication after taking.

Q3: Can I take a new one if I do not take the medicine?
A3: It is necessary to take the remaining medicine to the medical institution (pharmacy or clinic) and exchange it.

Q4: Where can I exchange?
A4: A doctor who has been prescribed medication in the past?

Q5: What is the exchange method?
① You may receive a prescription from a pharmacy after receiving a prescription from a medical facility that you used previously.
② In the pharmacy that was previously used, it may be replaced by other products having the same ingredient, the same content and the same dosage form, in accordance with section 26 or 27 of the Act on the pharmaceutical business.

Q6: How can I calculate the cost of medications with patients when I change or modify another formula or prescription with another medication?
A6: Basically, it is the principle of prescribing an alternative medicine at the same price as the prescription drug, so there is no extra burden for the patient. B, e, v, n, t, s) (19459009)
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