& # 39; Daegu Robot Industry & # 39; that extends to the world – Kyungpook Ilbo


Daekyung Robot Promotion – Russian Robot Association
International Cooperation Development Forum

Daegu City Robot Industry Leads to the World

Daekyung The Korean Robotics Association (President Kim Chang-ho) and The Russian Robot Association (President Vitaly Nedelsky) will meet at the International Fair of Innocence, Russia, at 17:00 local time,

The main contents of the agreement are: △ mutual exchange and international cooperation between universities and robotics research institutes in both regions △ industry-academia-industry exchanges related to robotics (seminars, academic events Etc.) △ Cooperation between two local robot industries (exhibition, marketing, etc.) △ Joint research and development of robotics technology in both areas

This place is the active robot of the city of Daegu

By organically linking the The core technologies of robots and by sharing and exchanging them, it is possible to create new innovative markets and promote early activation of the robot industry.

In addition, 11 local robots and Russian robot companies participated in the international commercial technology tour before the agreement, and a head-to-head pairing conference between Daegu robot companies Russia took place.

On November 11, the Korea-Russia Robotics Industry International Cooperation Forum will be held jointly.

The Forum, which took place under the main presentation of four themes, "Future Outlook of Daegu and the Russian Robot Industry" and "Cooperation Plan for the development of the". robot industry "

The head of economic affairs of Daegu Gyeonggi-do City, Jobs, said:" I am very pleased to see that there are more than 50 people involved in the business. Industry, academia, With this in mind, Daegu City should be able to contribute to the entry into the global market of local robot companies and promote the status of Daegu, a leading industry in the robot industry, by creating a robotic industry market and by strengthening the competitiveness of the parts. "He said.

<ⓒ 경북일보 & kyongbuk.co.kr, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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