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Pompei O, Senate Hearing, Suggesting the Objective of "Achieving Denuclearization in the First Term"

North Korea rejects WMDs on the goal of denuclearization … "Nuclear material continues to produce"

Maintaining the negotiations, but continuing to push and strengthen North Korea's denuclearization measures

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, resumed patient diplomacy on Thursday for denuclearization talks with North Korea.

Pompeii said during a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "We are diplomatically patient, and we will not let it drag on in vain." On the sixth and seventh days, Kim Young-chul, vice chairman of the North Korean Workers Party and director of the Front of Unification.

The "Patient Diplomacy", written by his predecessor, Secretary of State Rex Taylorson, can be seen as a means of sustained and multiple diplomatic efforts to ensure that North Korea does not rush in the negotiations and proceeds to a certain process of denuclearization

This is an extension of the previous saying that there is no limit of time and speed, an badysis that shows that the last shot of war entered the "long-term" mode, accepting the reality of North Korean nuclear negotiations.

This is reminiscent of the "strategic patience" of the Barack Obama administration, but "persevering diplomacy" involves the continued strengthening of the pressure while maintaining the existing framework of sanctions. In this sense, it is different from the strategic patience that has not had a political answer.

Pompei reconfirmed the goal of denuclearization in North Korea as "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization" (DICV) and set the first term of the Trump administration as a deadline for denuclearization.

Contrary to the denuclearization calendar, which is a timetable for implementing denuclearization and countermeasures, the deadline has been announced according to its own timetable for realizing the denuclearization of North Korea until the end of the war. in January 2021,.

Pompeo said in a question from Corey Gardner (Republic of Colorado), "If it is possible, it will be faster …" to know if the original purpose of maintaining the CVID at the end of his first term is still maintained. When I was asked if the final and completely verified denuclearization (FFVD) and CVID were the same, it was "exactly the same, I use the term CVID".

Minister Pompeii said: "We will not be attracted by North Korea's delay in processing, even as we prepare for long-term war," sustainable diplomacy "and the" denuclearization agenda " first term ". Can be seen as meaning. Rather than meeting tight deadlines, it is the expression of the willingness to use the means of sanctions and pressure to make a significant denuclearization and to see the fruits of the plan through dialogue and the negociation.

In particular, Pompeii has raised the level of pressure on North Korea by stating that it is a "weapon of all kinds" that encompbades not only nuclear but also nuclear weapons. weapons of mbad destruction (WMD), including biological and chemical weapons. "We have reaffirmed the principle of" denuclearization of pre-denuclearization and post-disarmament ", but this does not mitigate the sanctions before the removal of WMD.

He reiterated that North Korea fully understood his definition of this concept of broad denuclearization in the United States, saying: "They (North Korea) have agreed to denuclearize completely." He explained to North Korea the concept of denuclearization, including WMD, in the third round of North Korean missions and explained that North Korea did not oppose it.

This is in fact a reaffirmation of WMD + abandonment of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons missiles, as mentioned by John Bolton, Member of the National Security Council of the White House, C & # 39; s is the first time I have done it outside.

Particularly noteworthy is that during his hearing, Pompei noted that North Korea continues to produce fissile material. It is unusual that the US intelligence community reveals suspicions about the concealment of nuclear facilities by North Korea, including suspicions about the operation of a secret enrichment complex of North Korea. Uranium known as Tangshan. When asked if North Korea was still making progress in its nuclear program, Pompeii replied, "Can we meet in other places?"

Pompei's public comment on the target date of denuclearization and the specific definition of denuclearization seems to be a fight between North America. It is said that there is a camp that handed the ball back to North Korea who handed the ball to the United States to remove the dismantling card from the West Sea satellite ballast and take the declaration of war and the peace agreement card.

In order to receive a secure framework security guarantee, it is interpreted as a message stating that there should be an action to meet US standards such as the nuclear list statement.

In some cases, Pompeii set the tone for the day saying, "It's a matter of persuasion for the national public opinion. There is also an badysis that "there are not many dimensions. It is said that it is a dimension to appease public opinion that is changing and deteriorating the "empty controversy" that is spreading in political circles because the outcome of the North American summit and the third trip is delayed . On the same day, the Foreign Ministers' meeting spread the public's interest on the topic of the North American-Korean summit, and all content was broadcast live on CNN.

However, denuclearization negotiations between North Korea and the United States, which have not been able to survive for a moment, will break the dismantling of the satellite bomb of the West Sea and the repatriation of the US Army. .

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