& # 39; West Syndrome & # 39; Vigabatrin · Prednisolone® is effective & # 39; – HealthCore News


[헬스코리아뉴스 / 박수현 기자] A study has shown that infantile spasm (infantile epileptic syndrome) can be treated with high doses of non-gabatrin and prednisolone.

▲ Professor Kang Hoon-chul Goa

The team of Professor Goa's pediatric neurologist at the National University Hospital of Pusan ​​reported that the treatment period was reduced to 3 months when the Vigabatrin and prednisolone were increased in infantile spasm and 72.7% were cured without side effects.

First, a combination of vigabatrin and prednisolone was administered to 66 patients (age 5.7 months) diagnosed with infantile spasms between March 2016 and June 2017. [Vatrina was administered for 2 weeks and later]. The Trine Rainbar was administered in 50mg administered three days and four days after adding 100mg, 7 days 150mg. In the case of unstable convulsions or brain waves, 40 mg of prednisolone was administered at a higher dose.

As a result of this drug administration, 48 patients (72.7%) lost the seizure and normalized brain waves.

"In patients treated with increasing doses, normal development was possible without recurrence after drug withdrawal," said Professor Kang Hoon-cheol. "In the case of steroids like prednisolone, we were able to confirm the effectiveness of this treatment protocol by improving the treatment protocol of patients who did not receive small doses because of their side effects. "

Infantile spasms are a rare form of epilepsy. It is also called syndrome.

25% of patients develop seizures in 1 year and usually have symptoms between 3 and 8 months, usually between 24 and 42 per 100,000 births, and about 2% of childhood epilepsies are infantile spasms. . Seizures are sudden contractions of the head, trunk and limbs at the same time, and more than a dozen times a day, more than 100 seizures occur.

Infantile spasm is caused by neurotransmitter abnormalities or overdose The exact biochemical mechanism is unknown.

The results of the study are published in the latest issue of the International Journal of Epigenetics, an epidemiological study of brain tumors.

Reporter Park Soo-hyun [email protected]

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