8 days in public … Focus on the "preservation of the ecological environment"


North Korean leader Kim Jong Eun inspects the production sites and construction sites of Samjiyeon District in Yanggang Province and focuses on preserving the ecological environment in the region from Baekdusan.

President Kim Jung-eun told local officials that "Supreme Leader Kim Jung Eun's chief had heard the explanation from Sam Ji- We should not see the forest destruction phenomenon by building Samjiyeon. He also stressed, "Keep in mind that a tree and abandonment is a holy place of the revolution that can never be treated casually." Then, "We should design forest parks well for each district of Samjiyeon County, "said Kim Jong-il,

The South and North met with the South-North Forestry Cooperation Section on May 4, and the two sides exchanged ideas on nursery modernization,

In a separate article, Chung says Kim visited Jungheung Farm in Samjiyeon County, saying, "Samjiyeon is a potato farmer," for example, we will present the task of integrating the m full canisation of rural accounting in a fully realized standard unit, and we will go to the army every year and direct the military activities directly to the site. "

" This time, I came to the army and on the farm, and the most important thing I wanted to know was the weight and level of mechanization of the potato crop. "

President Kim Jong Eun also visited the potato powder (starch) processing plant processing the potatoes produced at Samjiyeon

." He said: "The Supreme Leader will take the decision to install a new process to produce processed potato food of an annual capacity of 2,000 tons with potato flour as raw material,

President Kim made the Praised the fact that the plant has a new boiler plant that uses less coal to produce the steam needed for production, and said: "No matter how modernized If this does not meet the conditions and the circumstances of our country, this would be useless and could be considered a flood. "

Kim Jung Eun, President

The visit was accompanied by Hwang Sung-seo, Cho Yong Won, Yoo Jung Yoo, Kim Yong-Su, etc.

Central Communications

It's been just eight days since Kim Jong Il's public event was revealed on the North Korean media that he visited Sinuiju's production sites and military units in the North Pyongan Province on the 2nd.

However, Kim Young-chul, vice president of the Labor Party, met with Unification Minister Lee Kyung-gil at the same time. Pyongyang Koryo hotel on May 5 to discuss why Kim did not visit the unified North Korean basketball game. We are now on the road to local orientation, "said Kim Jong-eun, chairman of the commission.

The unification basketball match (4-5 days) that Mr. Kim has proposed to President Moon Jae-in in Panmunjom was held on the 8th day when Kim's shares were not announced, and Mike Pompei, state secretary for North Korea

In addition, Kim Jong Eun, who visited the Palace of the Sun at Kumsusan's Sun Palace on the day of Kim Il Sung's death (8 July) each year, $ (Document) .focus (); fn_getNewsBannerInfo () [‘PL0001′,’PL0002’]) $ (window) .load (function () {try {(". Sed_article iframe") Attr ("src"). IndexOf ("naver.com") – 1 && $ (".) {$ (document.) .ready (function ());} {$ (". sed_article iframe"). parent ("div"). css ("left-margin", "53px" (19459012) = r (i, s , o, g, r, [r]), I [r] .l = 1 * new Date (); (19459013) || function () {(i [r] .q = i [r] .q | m.parentNode.insertBefore (a, m)}) (window, document, & lt; / RTI & gt; "Script", // www.google-badytics.com/badytics.js','ga');ga('create' , & # 39; UA-53828044-1, & # 39;) & ga (& # 39; set & # 39; ga (& # 39; set & # 39; , & Quot; Dimension3 & quot ;, & quot; N1 & quot; Ga (& quot; Set4 & quot ;, Dimension4 & # 39 ;, NewsArticle & # 39; Ga ( & # 39;; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; '& gt; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ;, catch (e) {}, "news", "event", "article.PC" + newsArticleType,
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