8 out of 10 risk of blindness due to retinal vascular occlusion More than 50 generations –


"Retinal vascular occlusion" called "eye catch" was issued to elderly or elderly people in their fifties or older. About 85% of patients with retinal vascular occlusion are over 50 years old.

Kim Ogan Hospital of Konyang Medical College badyzed medical treatment data of retinal diseases accumulated during the 10th anniversary of the opening of the retinal hospital The results were confirmed, and there urged caution on 23.

Retinal vascular occlusion is an eye disease in which blood vessels of the retina in the eye are blocked to cause vision loss. The main diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus, are the most common diseases and are clbadified as geriatric diseases.

Kim Ophthalmology Hospital badyzed data from 26,070 patients who were diagnosed and treated for retinal vascular occlusion at the retina hospital from the beginning of 2009 to the end of 2017. [19659002] As a result, (85%) The most common age group was the age of 60 (8552).

It is also interesting to note that among men of average age (30-49 years), men are 1.4 times more likely to be women than women, in the case of people over 60, women were 1.4 times more likely than men.

While the overall incidence of men and women did not differ significantly between age groups, the hospital explained,

that in 3040 generations, hypertension , diabetes mellitus Related diseases, alcohol and smoking are more common in men.

According to the statistical data of the Agency for Evaluation and Evaluation of Medicare, the incidence of hypertension was about twice as high that of women of the 3040 generation between 2013 and 2017. In contrast, the incidence of hypertension among women is estimated to be about 1.4 times higher than that of men over 60 years of age.

Retinal vascular occlusion is a risk factor for vitreous hemorrhage, macular degeneration and other blindness, neovascular glaucoma Be careful as this can lead to complications.

Our eyes are round balls, and in the eyes there is a glazed body that is a transparent fabric like gel. This vitreous helps the eye to retain its normal shape and allows the image of the object to form on the retina.

Vitreous hemorrhage occurs when a hemorrhage occurs in the retina and enters the vitreous body or blood vessels in the vitreous hemorrhage. If vitreous haemorrhage occurs, vision should decrease rapidly and treatment should be done promptly.

Professor Yoo Su-jin from the Hospital of Kim Ophthalmology retinal hospital said: "Retinal vascular occlusion is a common cause of vitreous hemorrhage, C & # It is important to have periodic eye exams, even if there are no eye abnormalities, especially if you are over 50, especially if you have a family history of retinopathy, diabetes, hypertension or vascular disease. "

Medical Journalist [email protected]

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