9 hours before the execution in the United States,


  Scott Raymond Dojier (left), sentenced to two deaths. (Photo on the right is not relevant to the article) [YTN화면 캡처, 디엔컴퍼니]

Scott Raymond Dojier (left), who was sentenced to two deaths. [YTN화면 캡처, 디엔컴퍼니]

A man who had been murdered twice in Nevada, USA, was convicted of a death sentence before being sentenced to death.

This is because the pharmaceutical company "Albogen" has filed a lawsuit against the Nevada Correctional Bureau for not using Midazolam products for drug injections.

Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez of the Clark County District Court in Nevada, who brought the case, decided Friday, November 11, to temporarily suspend the execution of the death sentence, Scott Raymond Dojier, .

Judge Gonzalez's decision was made only nine hours after Dozier's execution.

On the day of the trial, a lawyer from a pharmaceutical company said: "I sent a letter to the jail where the execution had already taken place and I ' have expressed my intention to oppose the drug ". I will give you an irrevocable wound. "

He said:" The prison did not order the drug directly to the company, but rather received it from the Nevada pharmacy. "

In the case of the drug Oklahoma in 2014, the pharmaceutical company said that the death sentence, which received medications at midazolam, woke up in full execution and died in 40 minutes.

At the time, pharmaceutical companies had opposed the use of their products for 10 years executions in legal and ethical affairs.

The pharmaceutical company, Al Bogen, also banned the case for the same reason.

On the other hand, Dougie learned that the date of execution had been delayed.

In an interview with the Las Vegas Review Journal recently, who attempted extreme choices during his imprisonment, he said, "Life in prison is not life."

On the other hand , Dozier was charged in 2007 for stealing a Las Vegas traveler in 2002, having stolen and murdered his money. He also killed a man in Phoenix.

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