[명의에게 묻다] "Severe snoring causes cardiovascular disease / cognitive dysfunction" – Kookmin Ilbo


"My husband's severe snoring drives me crazy." (ㅠㅠ) I knew my husband snored before the wedding, but the days worsened and I also had stress. "

" Pink yellow "is a complaint from a surfer who uses the identifier.

A Sleep Clinical Model for H1N1 and H1N1 (53 · photo ) The chief director stated on the 2nd day, "It is the case that the noise of the night is the same. Ear heard at night, "If you have a severe snoring just like a noise level, you could be in danger."

The chief executive warned that snoring and sleep is what's wrong. a head and neck specialist who treats tumors of the head and neck in addition to apnea and unidirectional adenoid surgery

He graduated from Korea University Medical College in 1990 and received training in boarding and otolaryngology at the University of Korea, and since then he is a lecturer at Korea Anam University and a professor at the Sacred Heart Hospital. of Chuncheon and the Sacred Heart Hospital of Kangnam, Department of Otolaryngology, Hallym University of February 2000 to February 2010.

He is currently responsible for the head and neck clinic.

It is caused by an obstruction of the airways

Snoring is the breathing of sleep during sleep Is it an abnormal sound. As we breathe, the narrowing of one of the nostril-lung channels speeds up the flow of air.

If snoring is present, sleep apnea is likely to occur. More than 9 in 10 people with severe snoring have been diagnosed with sleep apnea

Snoring and sleep apnea are divided into degree of airway obstruction. If snoring is an incomplete closure of the airways, sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing stops for 10 seconds or more with complete closure of the airway.

When snoring is severe, shortness of breath and lack of oxygen cause hypoxia and anxiety of sleep, as well as the cerebellum caused by an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system.

70-80% due to overweight and obesity

Snoring and sleep apnea are caused by 70 to 80% of overweight And obesity.

This is also true when one of the pbadages between the vocal cords and the nostril where the lower airways begin to shrink (stenosis). This stenosis of the nasal cavity is caused by allergic rhinitis, nasal septal abnormality, sinusitis, etc., which causes nasal obstruction.

In the child, hypertrophy of adenoid tissue in the nose may be the cause.

Sometimes unilateral problems can cause problems, especially when the tension on the dog's mouth (the relatively soft back portion of the soft palate and palate) is significantly reduced. "If you are overweight or obese, it is easy to get tired with tired tonsils and fatty deposits on the lining of the airways," says the chief executive.

The structure of the face and jaw may also be the cause.

On top of that, there is a tendency to lower muscle tension due to age, reduce the secretion of female hormones after menopause, and so on. It causes snoring and sleep apnea.

The risk of fatal cardiovascular disease is high

It is thought that the cause of hypoxia due to sleep apnea is apnea sleep and muscle relaxation, and that snoring and sleep apnea are exacerbated. More serious. Cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes mellitus, stroke and erectile dysfunction. "If we continue to have sleep apnea, the risk of fatal cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction and angina pectoris may be more than nine times higher than the normal people. "

The criteria are that sleep apnea, which lasts more than 10 seconds, is repeated more than 5 times per hour, and more than 30 times for 7 hours

Sleep tests and endoscopy of sleep are necessary. The identification of the cause of the correct treatment is necessary. Versatility of sleep is an essential test for badessing the severity of snoring and sleep apnea.

sleep endoscopy can be used to check the status of the patient's airway during sleep, such as the condition of the airways, It is worth confirming that

Only 41 % of patients need surgery

Surgery is the process that prevents the flow of air when breathing is done so as to expand the area or straighten the path. If it is caused by chronic nasal obstruction or hypertonia, it is surgically treated to relieve allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, sinusitis and enlarged tonsils that cause nasal congestion.

Snoring and sleep apnea

Of the answer, this is not the case. The chief executive pointed out, "It is not advisable to consider surgery from the point of view of having snoring or sleep apnea."

When the general director investigates 402 patients who have been treated up to now,%

Nonoperative surgery is used when one can not expect that the surgery has a certain therapeutic effect. A method using a positive pressure device or an intraoral device.

The director stated, "The pressure gauge is a device that smooths the patient's breathing by injecting air into the nose and mouth, and the oral device prevents the lower jaw from being pushed back into supine position. The manometer that is effective in the treatment of apnea is listed as a target of health care benefits this month, and the burden on patients has been significantly reduced. "

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