Gangjin-gun, Practice of "Preventing Infectious Diseases in Life & # 39; in summer


Infectious Disease Prevention

[여성종합뉴스/이경문기자] Kangjin-gun urged the public to observe preventive measures such as proper hand washing to prevent infectious diseases of the population.

As temperatures increase, pathogens multiply and waterborne and foodborne diseases can increase. As travel opportunities at home and abroad increase, the possibility of outbreaks of infectious diseases is high and a 24-hour emergency response system has established to strengthen surveillance.

Typical infectious diseases that may occur during the summer season include microorganisms such as cholera, typhoid fever, bacterial dysentery, paratyphoid, intestinal Escherichia coli hemorrhagic infection, infectious Group A Salmonella infections such as hepatitis A, infections to Vibrio enteritis, intestinal infections such as enteropathogenic E. coli, it is an infectious disease transmitted by water and by food that can occur when water or food is eaten. The main symptoms are gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Prevention of infectious diseases carried by water The practice in life is to use dishes by hand, to boil water, to eat, to wash vegetables and fruits, to disinfect the knife and to cut the cooking. If you have diarrhea symptoms and you have a hand injury, do not cook.

At the same time, the public health center called for special attention to the consumption of seafood by the people as the first segregation of Vibrio sepsis bacteria occurred in marine environmental samples in May.

Patients with Vibrio sepsis occur between 40 and 60 people a year, the first patient being present between May and June, when the temperature of the seawater exceeds 18 degrees and the patient is concentrated between August and September . 19659003]
To prevent vibriosis, fish and seafood should be stored at a temperature below 5 ° C, heated to 85 ° C or higher, and should be ingested while running in tap water. It is also recommended that disinfectants such as cutting boards and knives that cook seafood be used after disinfection, and that those with skin lesions should avoid contact with sea water. [19659003]
In particular, high-risk patients with chronic diseases such as chronic liver diseases, alcoholics and diabetes mellitus are more likely to be infected with Vibrio septicemia,
Kangjin-gun has carried out preventive campaigns such as checking the level of pollution of water and wastewater, prevention campaigns, etc.

Since April, Kangjin-gun has collected aquarium water and aquatic products for restaurants,
Kim Yeon-su, director of the Kangnam-gun Health Center's Infectious Disease Management Team, said: "We are focusing all the capabilities of the army to protect the health of people from Infectious diseases. I urge you to practice basic personal hygiene practices such as eating. "

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