[기획] Unexpected Foods to Help Hair Loss


Source: Pixar Bay
[파이낸셜리뷰=남인영 기자] The popularity of hair loss products is increasing because of the interest in "aging" to look younger than age.

According to sales data from an online shopping mall company, shampoo sales

Hair loss has become a major problem not only for the 40s, but also for the 2030s because it can cause disadvantages in employment, interpersonal relationships and self-confidence.

Prevention of hair loss is not enough with shampoo and nutrient management alone.

Regular consumption of foods that affect hair growth is a rule of thumb to help prevent hair loss and maintain healthy hair.

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, In addition to black beans and black seeds known to have good effects on the hair, there are unexpected hair loss prevention foods that are unconditionally helpful.

Wild blueberries


The known blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which makes them resistant to aging hair follicles due to stress and fatigue.

In addition, antioxidants such as anthocyanins, polyphenols and dark blue flavonoids The role of keeping the scalp cells healthy

In particular, it is known that wild blueberries contain twice as much of antioxidants than ordinary blueberries.



Pecans resembling nuts

Pecan is rich in vitamin E, fat soluble and has antioxidant activity on the walls cellular, and vitamin C, soluble in water and having antioxidant activity in the blood or cells.


Spinach contains a variety of ingredients such as folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamins, and help strengthen muscles. It is rich in nitrates, which contributes to the elasticity of the scalp. [19659000] Potatoes [19659000]

Recently, there was talk of the article that helped MacDonald French to fry to help with hair loss.

According to a Swiss research team, the hair was strengthened by more than 25% compared to the group that did not regularly take biotin for 6 months. [19659000] Branches


Anthocyanins are also abundant in dark purple branches, which causes hair follicles to stretch and smooth blood flow.


Algae such as kelp, algae, algae, etc. have excellent effects on the scalp. It contains amino acids that help grow hair and keep it healthy, zinc,

The iodized component of algae contributes to alopecia due to thyroid disease and eliminates waste and the toxins from the blood, thus facilitating the supply of nutrients to the hair.

Nam In-young reporter finreview4120 @ financialreview.co.kr

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