Sweat does not smell … What is a body odor?


Sweat does not smell … What is body odor?

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It's the season of sweat and body odor.

There is no original smell in sweat. Then what process transpired become the material of the unpleasant odor? Researchers from York University and the University of Oxford in the UK have found a way to effectively stop the odor of body odor, especially in the body. armpit,

Sweat is produced by two types of secretory agencies. In eclectic spread throughout the body, we sweat when we move and move so hard.

The apocrine glands distributed in the armpits and bads also produce sweat. This sweat, which contains proteins and various molecules, is odorless in the first place.

Researchers have discovered that bacteria use "transport" proteins in the process of making their smells, but this is not the case. Transport proteins move substances across cell membranes.

Dr. Gavin Thomas, "Imagine that you put a substance in the deodorant that captures the transport protein," says Dr. Thomas Gavin. "This research aims to develop a more effective weapon against body odor

However, it takes time to commercialize the results of this research.Experts advise that to reduce body odor, it is best to wear fiber clothing natural ones like cotton or hemp, to use an antibacterial soap to wash the armpit and push armpit hair.

Deodorant, commonly known as deodorant, is a scented product in the armpit. Incense to cover the body odor and is based on an antibacterial ingredient to kill bacteria Antiperspirant is a product that temporarily blocks the pores that lead to the sweat glands to reduce perspiration and contains chloride. aluminum.

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It is good to use the product suitable for the constitution.
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