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C is "Global Village Today" which tells news from different countries.

What is the news today?

The United States started a new tariff on Chinese imports totaling $ 34 billion today (June 6). . We will also be adding $ 16 billion over the next two weeks to enforce fees on a total of $ 50 billion. China reacted to the same scale of retaliatory tariffs. I will take a look at the news of the Liberation Army, concerned about the executions of the Omnori-kyo who executed gas terrorism in Japan 23 years ago and the deterioration of fighting power of the People's Liberation Army of China.

Moderator) Has the United States introduced new tariffs on Chinese imports?

Reporter) Yes. New tariffs were imposed on Chinese imports totaling $ 34 billion, compared to 0: 1 on the eve of today (June 6). The tax rate is 25%. There are 818 types of items ranging from plows used for agriculture to airplane parts, chemicals and semiconductors. Most of the world's media have reported this news and have titled "Trade War". He explains that the United States has been fired in a trade war with China. For the moment, economic friction between our two countries seems inevitable.

How did China react if the United States had been shot down?

reporter) We were struck with the same size tariff. Today at the Beijing time (day 6), day 12: 1, so I got a retaliatory tariff at the same time. We imposed 25% on American beans, agricultural and marine products and cars. Yesterday (May 5), the Commerce Department said, "We will not start the trade war, the United States will not be attacked if it attacks," he said.

Moderator) Does China say that it reacts legitimately because the United States attacked first?

reporter) This is correct. The Chinese government has repeatedly accused the United States of retaliation. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lu Kang said today (6 days) at a regular briefing that the new US tariffs were "bad behavior" in violation of the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The world's first and second largest economies, the United States and China, have pointed out that "it will hurt the global economic recovery and hurt businesses and consumers." "[La Chine] is a necessary counterattack," he said, "we will inform the WTO of the situation and join forces with those of other countries of the world".

Reporter) Yes. The US government will soon impose additional rates. President Donald Trump told reporters yesterday that he "would first charge $ 34 billion in duties and pay $ 16 billion in tariffs within two weeks. A total of 284 items are subject to additional duties of $ 16 billion. China has provided additional retaliation rights on 114 US products for the same $ 16 billion if the US takes this step.

Moderator) Re-filing, retaliation and rate-setting process repeated

Reporter) Yes. President Trump said that if China takes revenge for additional rates that will be in two weeks, it will impose a higher tariff. "I have a $ 200 billion reserve and I have more than $ 300 billion left." If China responds with retaliatory rights, the United States will impose additional tariffs of $ 500 billion.

If this situation continues, would it have a negative impact on the United States, China or the economy? 19659003] Reporter) Both countries are confident of the economic strength, saying that it is the opponent to lose. First look at China. We expect that the impact will not be significant because we will quickly change the basic structure of the economy from the export dependent type to the domestic demand type. "China's economic growth has already moved to the balance between consumption and export dependency," said Guo Sueqing, chief financial officer of the Chinese finance ministry, in an interview today. to the People's Bank of China. I explained it. "This has created a strong durability to deal with commercial friction."

What about the United States?

Reporters) Experts believe that the US economy is currently in a very good situation and that it will not have much impact at this time. If the price of Chinese products increases due to tariffs, consumption will not be significantly reduced and there will be alternatives to US agricultural products and auto exports. However, it is dominant that the situation of confrontation has not been good for too long.

Do you think that the situation of confrontation will soon be solved?

Reporter: Currently, there is no effort to resolve the confrontation between high-level negotiations in the United States and at the middle level. The US mid-term elections scheduled for next November are variable. The Chinese Chancellor David Douglas of the Brookings Institution expects that the negative effects of the trade confrontation with China will accumulate seriously in the US economy by the end of the year. next. Trump said that he would not enforce an additional fee of $ 200 billion, $ 300 billion, since he would now be ready to settle after the mid-term elections, even though launches an offensive against China.

  On the 6th, a newspaper employee of the city of Tokyo sends a newspaper to the front-page citizens of the news of Shoko Asahara's execution. </span><br />
<p> <strong>  Moderator) We are listening to 'global village today'. The Japanese government executed the case of the former terrorist incident of toxic gas? </strong></p>
<p>  reporter) Yes. In early 1995, the Japanese Ministry of Justice imposed death sentences, including "sarin gas" in the Tokyo Metropolitan Metro Station in early 1995, 13 dead and Shoko Asahara Shoko, which caused 6,000 casualties . Six executives were also executed together. Japanese police have increased their vigilance in anticipation of retaliatory terrorism of the remaining forces of Omarism. </p>
<p><strong>  Moderator) There were 13 victims and 6,000 injured, and let's look at what happened first. </strong></p>
<p>  Reporter) 23 years ago, it was not just Japan but the whole world. At the start of the service station of the Tokyo metro station, where the main government agencies met, sarin gas, a deadly toxic gas, was sprayed on the human body. In Japan, where large-scale terrorism is rare and security is relatively good, there has been a shock: there has been a toxic attack against an indeterminate number of people. </p>
<p><strong>  Moderator) But it was a religious group, not a known terrorist group. </strong></p>
<p>  Reporter) Yes. Ahn Jung-gyo, who appeared to have been involved in the incident, continued his bizarre career by murdering the family of a critical lawyer and spreading sarin gas in order to harm a judge in charge of adverse lawsuits. The police investigated in these cases revealed that they had spilled gas in the subway to get their attention. </p>
<p><strong>  What kind of religion is OMN truth? </strong></p>
<p>  Reporter) It is a meeting that focuses on the mysterious experience. It was started in 1984 in Shibuya, Shibuya, Shibuya, called "Om Shinshoi", a yoga training center. In 1987, he changed his name to 'Ohm Shin Rikyo & # 39; and it has been officially registered as a religious institution. The believer quickly developed around the young while promoting psychic power. When I became a believer, I gave all the property to the denomination and I let them live together. The "last war" approach, she promoted herself army. It was found that the process produced sarin gas. </p>
<p><strong>  Moderator) You said that there was residual power, but did the Japanese authorities leave the truth of the OMN? </strong></p>
<p>  reporter) I dissolved. Just after the terrorist attack on the subway, the Tokyo court ordered the dissolution of religious groups. But then I changed the name to "Aleph". We also have a derivative group called Hikarinowa. There are still more than 1500 believers who are constantly gathering in these two groups. </p>
<p><strong>  By the way, what is the reason for the execution of the sentence in 1995? </strong></p>
<p>  Reporter: First, even if you condemn the death penalty, you are also involved in the global trend that you do not apply. The test process is also extended. Asahara claims to be the "king of Japan", and he delayed the trial by acting strangely, speaking suddenly in English during the court proceedings, and joking in the courtroom. The first sentence, sentenced to death, was released in early 2004. It's been almost nine years since the incident. This has led to growing disbelief in the Japanese justice system as a whole. The Supreme Court of Japan finalized the execution of the party with Asahara in 2006. </p>
<div clbad=
  The Chinese People's Liberation Army takes to the Hong Kong military base last month

The Chinese People's Liberation Army is training at the Hong Kong Military Base last month

] Moderator) Let me give you another news today. The People's Liberation Army is one of the largest armies in the world. But there is a criticism among the soldiers that the so-called "disease of peace" is widespread.

Yes, China experienced a period of peace after the last war with Vietnam in 1979. But that is why Chinese soldiers have been criticized critically by the Liberation Army Bureau of the Chinese People, Liberation Army, for the so – called "evil of peace" In this week 's editorial (June 2), the Liberation Army warned that a peaceful illness was a common symptom in the People's Liberation Army for decades and if it did not decide to eliminate it, it would cause mbadive damage.

Host) The disease of peace, it's a bit strange, but I have no experience so I got sick.

reporter) Yes. The People's Liberation Army of China is criticized as a soldier who has no mental strength and physical strength and who is weak in body and mind. Some experts find the reason for the Chinese government's long-standing birth control policy.

Moderator) If it is a birth control policy, is it a policy of a family and a child?

reporter) This is. China, the world's largest population, has been maintaining a one-child-to-child policy for 30 years. It seems that parents overprotect their only child and become a serious social problem. Currently, the People's Liberation Army of China has more than 2.1 million people and the largest military force in the world. 70% of them come from one-child households. So, it is said that soldiers who cry or give up because of intense training can not stand. For reference, the number of US troops is 1.3 million in 2017.

President) Does the Chinese state court not order the reinforcement of the combat capability of the country? People's Liberation Army?

reporter) This is correct. When the People's Liberation Army (FKTU) worried about not having the ability to fight for decades, Sejinpin was asking for a reinforcement of the fighting force. Modernize the army by 2035, and point out that by 2050, it should become a world clbad army. In addition, we have launched military reforms that focus on the reduction and training of the army.

Leader) Some people point out that the military is a signal for dealing with corruption.

Yes, it turned out that last year, the officers of the People's Liberation Army of China did not do the military training properly and falsified the report. As a result, the Chinese Central Military Commission is dispatching a supervisor who monitors each unit for appropriate training. The Chinese president is now strongly in favor of the elimination of corruption, which prevails in Chinese society, as one of the main priorities of the nation. It is now badyzed that the army extends to corruption.

) Is the degree of Chinese military corruption serious?

Reporters According to the Liberation Army, at least 13,000 army officers have been punished in the past five years. A Chinese colonel who retired from the People's Liberation Army said that the Communist Party is moving from the stage of capturing the big tiger to that of eliminating it.

Moderator: Is there a time when the poet stressed the absolute obedience of the army before?

Yes, the poet "The People's Liberation Army should perform his duties under the banner of the party under the leadership and direction of the party", during the celebration of the 90th anniversary that s & # 39; It is held at the People's Congress in Beijing last year.

Leader) Global Village Today, I am going to listen to you here.

I will listen to you today. [ad_2]
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