[뉴스pick] Ilon Musk proposed to cave boys structure in Thailand


Tesla CEO Ilron Musk has proposed using Air Tubes to rescue boys trapped in Chiang Rai Province, Tam Luong Cave, CNN reported on June 6.

Maesk uses the technology of Space X, a private space exploration company that he founded, and the Bering Company, a tunnel excavator, to extract water from caves

The Musk rescue team will soon visit Thailand

Musk has suggested several relief options via Twitter. "If you push a nylon tube about 1 m in diameter at the entrance of the cave and blow it up with air, it will become an air tube," he said. he. "

" We can walk 5 kilometers to the hour in an hour, but this can be done in 40 minutes if you walk in a minute. "

There is also a narrow section between the boys' houses at a distance of only 70 cm." It's worth trying, "said Musk." The air tubes are automatically shrunk to theirs. width when they are narrow, "he said.

Maersk is committed to providing a super-powered pump and battery system to drain the entrance to the cave

Maersk's Boering Company is working on a high-speed tunnel that operates a train capable of traveling 200 km / h in areas of urban congestion in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York.

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