The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Korea stated that the high-level talks of North Korea "


  US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (right) travels to Pyongyang, North Korea, on June 6, and has had high-level talks with Kim Young-Cheol, vice president of the Labor and Chiefs Party. Front of the Unification. [AP=연합뉴스]

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (right) visited Pyongyang in Pyongyang on June 6 and held high-level talks with Kim Young-chul, vice president of the Labor Party and leader of the Front de France. l & # 39; Unification. [AP=연합뉴스]

The North Korean Foreign Ministry said it would regret the US attitude to North Korea's high-level summit over the high-level talks held in Pyongyang November 6th.

The Foreign Ministry said in a spokesman the same day that Mike Pompeii's secretary of state,

The Foreign Ministry said: "We expect from the United States that 39; they put up constructive measures to build confidence consistent with the spirit of meeting and discussions with North Korea, "But the attitude and attitude of the United States at the time of the first high-level meeting held on June 6 and 7 was truly regrettable. "

" The United States has accused the United States of having called for a unilateral and robust denuclearization with CVID, statement and verification to be placed in the spirit of the meeting and the talks in Singapore. "

In response, he said:" To resolve the deep mistrust between the United States and North America and to establish the trust, to release it in a completely new way. "This is the fastest way to realize the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula," he said.

In addition, the Foreign Ministry said that Kim Jong-un, the secretary of state of North Korea, delivered a letter to President Trump during

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign, Kim said: "I am convinced that I think that the friendship and trust with President Trump of the Singapore negotiations will be consolidated in this process of dialogue, including.

Meanwhile, the secretary Mike Pompei, who traveled to Pyongyang for a two-day visit to Pyongyang, left Pyongyang after the afternoon program and said: "Negotiations with the North Korea have been very productive. We have made progress in setting a timetable for denuclearization. "

Trump said that he delivered a letter to Kim through the intermediary of his minister of Pompeii.

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