Rescuing weak children … The 8-hour walk on the equivalent of the cave "miraculous return"


Thai boys rescued four people in just 15 days …

"Four out of 12 boys belonging to the youth football team, who were trapped in heavy caverns during the summer." an exploration of natural caves in northern Thailand on March 23, were rescued on the 16th day of the 16th isolated day.Some of them were not healthy, but the four people came out of Eight more boys and one coach are expected to return on July 9. FIFA has announced that it will invite the boys to the World Cup final in Russia on June 15. It should be noted that the boys who have fought for life and death in the deep soil will add a touch of human triumph to the World Cup festival.

An ambulance goes to the hospital On the 8th, an ambulance leaves the cave of Chiang Rai, in northern Thailand, to visit a Nearby hospital Four people were rescued by the rescue operation. The small picture is the first longevous Monglaun Bupiam (14). The BBC captures

Four out of 12 boys trapped in a cave in Thailand were savagely rescued on August 16th on the 16th day of solitary confinement.

Thailand rescue authorities reported that thirteen foreign divers and five Thai divers were involved in the rescue, bringing the first boy out at 17:37. The first boy to be saved was known as Monglin Bupiam (14).

Immediately after their return, Tosanat Tabhong, director of public health in Chiang Rai, said, "Two children are out. They are in a medical tent next to the cave and we check their physical condition. "One of the boys back was known to be in poor health, but all four came out of the cave on foot, according to the British Telegraph.The BBC said the Australian doctor with the boys in the cave has decided to save the worst boy first

Although the restoration project lasted about 11 hours and the first boy was expected around 9 pm, the rescue work was completed in less than 8 hours. reported that they concentrated water in the cave and that the rain decreased and that the water level in the cave was lowered. Thanks to this, I was able to walk a lot in the cave, and the rescue time was much shorter than expected.

The Thai authorities carried out a rescue operation for the boys from the morning of the 8th, before the rescued boys were transferred to the school. Chiang Rai hospital about 60 km from the helicopter.Rains of rain will be observed in the northern part of Thailand from the afternoon of August 8, and the rain should be poured for several days. There is a risk that the height of the cave will increase sharply when heavy rain is pouring. Even the water can get colder at the place where the boys are staying right now.

"It is" today, "said Chong Lai, a former head of parliament for the Narongshu Osotana who is leading the rescue. The boys are ready to accept any challenge. "

The rescue work was conducted in such a way that two divers took a boy out and the rescue was carried out so that the boys could safely escape from this section for more than two hours. However, the third flood zone, which is the largest lagoon, had a narrow section of a width of 60 cm, which had to pbad through the tank without the air tank. [19659008] The Thai authorities originally planned to save 13 survivors in four groups, the first group to escape the cave was the first group, and the third group to be released later included three each. 25-year-old coach who led the soccer team will be the last to leave .However, the situation in the cave was better than expected: by saving four people in the first place, the green light was also lit on the struc the remaining nine people in the cave. Considering that the primary structure took nine hours, the rest of the boys could be saved as early as nine days.

FIFA declared on June 6

Twelve athletes and a coach belonging to the Chiang Rai "boar" football club were isolated after a training session on the afternoon of March 23 , when they entered the cave for tourist purposes and the water level in the cave increased.

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