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The rainy season that has been going on since mid-June has slowed down and the heat of the day has reached its peak. I am looking forward to going to the open station to avoid the heat of the city, and health care is just as important as my vacation plan. It is also useful to take care of health care and to take the functional health foods necessary for my body, because strong ultraviolet radiation, a sudden difference in temperature and a change in the rhythm of life can cause health problems in a patient. holiday resort.

The Korean Association of Functional Health Foods (President Kwon Suk-hyung) introduces the method of health management during the holidays, which allows the summer holidays to be appreciated and in good health

Many people travel abroad every year, but the reality is that they are not aware of infectious diseases. Before traveling abroad, make sure you know the infectious diseases of the trip, go to the hospital at least 2 weeks before departure, consult your doctor and get the necessary vaccinations. Countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam and Thailand, should carry short and long peaks so as not to be bitten by mosquitoes.

Application of sunscreen every 3 hours

Exposure to intense sunlight for a long time can cause a "sunburn" that becomes red and keratinized. Between noon and 2 pm, when UV rays reach their maximum, it is advisable to refrain as much as possible from outdoor activities and apply them frequently at 3-hour intervals rather than applying a lot of light. Sunscreens at the same time. Also, do not scratch when you are burned, but cold or cold water several times every 20 minutes in cold milk or ice water to relieve symptoms

Keep your eyes and clean ears before and after watering

Many water parks, such as water parks and beaches where people are looking for, are susceptible to bacterial growth and need to pay attention to diseases of the eyes and ears. Wash your eyes often with clean water. If symptoms such as congestion or foreign bodies appear, do not rub them with your hands, but wash them with salt water. In addition, if water is left in the ear after watering, this can cause irritation Instead of using a cotton swab, make sure that the towel is in your ear and the water is flowing naturally.

Prevent myalgia with a simple stretch

During the holiday season, I have a lot of physical activity, so I use a lot of muscles and joints that I do not have. Does not usually use. In particular, if you fly or drive for a long time, you may have a lot of problems with your neck or shoulders, so you have to stretch yourself briefly to loosen the ligaments around the spine and the stiff muscles. If you have muscle pain, you should first cool the swelling and inflammation with cold water, then induce blood circulation by heating.

Maintaining body temperature and immune management against ingestion of healthy functional foods

Outdoor activities and sudden changes in body temperature in a resting place weaken the immune system and cause various diseases. Prepare a long-sleeved jacket to maintain body temperature which is important for immune system management, and avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. It is also good to take healthy functional foods such as red ginseng, ginseng, mixed extracts such as ginseng, chlorella, etc., which help to improve the immune system before the trip and take away small products. .

A representative of the Korea Health and Food Association said, "I am familiar with the summer health management plan and I want to eat functional foods for my body and enjoy the most long of the year.

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