[종합] President Wen begins the program of the summit summit of Korea-India … Attend the official welcoming ceremony


[New Delhi (Inde) = Newsweek] Reporter Jang Yun-hee, guest of state of India, must visit the Gandhi Memorial Park in Gandhi Park on the 10th.

President Moon and Mrs. Kim Jung- The ceremony was held during the official ceremony held by President Rahnath Korvind for 10 minutes at the presidential palace in the morning.

After the official reception, Mr. Moon visited Gandhi Memorial Park and expressed his respect for the people of India. Foreign tourists visiting India have the custom to visit Gandhi Memorial Park.

The interior and exterior of the Moon wore flowers to the place where the remains of Mahatma Gandhi, the spiritual leader of India and the national father, were cremated . President Moon said in his guestbook: "There is no way to go in peace. Peace is the way.

President Moon received a gift from Memorial Park in memory of Gandhi's autobiography, Gandhi's bust, and Gandhi's seven social sins.

President Moon then went to the guest house for a summit with the Prime Minister

Gandhi Memorial Park is the local word for "King's Tomb" That s & # He calls Raj Ghat. It is located on Mahatma Gandhi Street on the Yamuna River south of Delhi and welcomes many worshipers each year.

Every Friday there is a memorial service for Gandhi

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