Learn About Symptoms of Degenerative Arthritis and Treatments and Good Food for Arthritis | Health


Let's discover degenerative arthritis of the fingers (Source: Getty Images Bank)

The famous phrase of past advertising is not limited to the elderly. Degenerative arthritis is a serious problem in young people. Degenerative arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation and pain due to damage to the bones or ligaments that make up the joints due to damage or degeneration of the cartilage that protects the joints. It has been more and more common because of the wear and tear of the joints as they get older, but recent degenerative arthritis has also occurred at younger ages because of Westernized eating habits. , posture, gait and obesity.

The best prevention of degenerative knee arthritis is exercise (Source: Getty Images Bank)

Degenerative Arthritis of the Knee and Degenerative Arthritis of the Fingers

As these are the joints that can make movements, over time, inevitably wear and damage can not be avoided. The types of degenerative arthritis can be divided into primary and secondary degenerative arthritis.The main cause of the disease is still unknown.The secondary is known to be caused by trauma, disease and deformity that can damage the cartilage. However, even if they are exposed to the same trauma or shock, they are not all progressing towards arthritis, but this distinction is unclear. Most degenerative arthritis develops in the fingers and knees.

What is the treatment for degenerative arthritis? (19659004) Good food for degenerative arthritis

The treatment for degenerative arthritis is divided into conservative treatment and surgical treatment. Improvements in habits, medications, topical treatment of the affected areas can relieve symptoms and improve the condition. In addition, since there is no major surgery, the treatment period can be relatively long, but there are no side effects. It is recommended to consult your doctor before taking any herbs, such as russeting, squid, ogapi, angelica and cinnabar, which are known to be beneficial to arthritis. [ad_2]
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