Kim Jong-sook visits the Pyeongchang Eco Bag with support for people with disabilities in Singapore


Kim Jong-sook, visiting Singapore with President Moon Jae-in, will visit Singapore with Village Enabling, a support center for social inclusion for people with disabilities in Singapore, with her husband , Mrs. Hoesing,

This is a place where there are cafes and restaurants that hire people with disabilities, a gym for people with disabilities, a medical clinic and a demonstration site for badistive devices .

Ms. Nomi also brought a gold dinosaur patterned bag made from the day of the Inebling Ring

In particular, Ms. Kim Jung-sook was the first woman to wear a disposable banner during the Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang.

Ms. Kim received the name of "Pyeongchang Eco Bag", which she made using the "" In Korea, I use less vinyl to prevent environmental damage, I have tried to make it a fabric, but I turned it into a bag because I thought it would be better.

Mrs. Kim, with her husband, looked around the inside of the center support and watched the equipment by connecting the smart phone with the mobile phone so that people with disabilities do not get lost.

Kim also presented pouches and jewelery boxes, which are sold in centers of support, in direct contact with the mothers themselves.

The expense was paid by the attendant for 280 Singapore dollars with Kim's personal card, and the official of Cheong Wa Dae said,

After having finished the schedule, Ms. Ho Chi-ke gave her a cup, an image gift, and kissed her twice and separated her.

An official of Cheong Wa Dae said, Ms. Kim and Mr. He said: "I took pictures with the doll Suhang (mascot of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics) l 39; last year at the G20 summit. "

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