UC Korean entry door shrunken … Korean success rate fell 3.6% p


The number of Californians who successfully enter the CU this fall has reached a record level. On the other hand, the entrance of Korean-American students narrows and contrasts.

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According to statistics released by the UC for 2018, the total number of Californian students entered the campus this fall is 96,554, more than 3,000 compared to the previous year . Among them, the number of freshmen was 70,106, and the number of transfer students was 25,458, which is the largest with 1114 and 1851 more than the year former.

Statistics show that the door for California transfer students has increased significantly.

UCLA, which has the highest number of candidates, selected 9292 new students last year, but this year it selected 8730 students, down 562 from this year. On the other hand, transfer students increased by 64 more than last year, giving 4,652 students. In UCLA this year, the number of applicants for transfer students increased by 29 percent over the previous year, up 36 percent, in connection with four community colleges in the Central Valley.

Berkeley also added 65 successful candidates from the previous year. The campus, which has the largest number of students transferred, is Santa Cruz, which has 1,627 pbadengers, or 1,699 more than the previous year, which allowed Riverside to host 1,065 people, or 7,070 students.

Irvine San Diego did not increase the size of the transferred student, but the size of the new student also reduced 1036 people, 3164 people, respectively. The UC is more likely to increase the number of transfer students than freshmen because of pressure from Governor Jerry Brown to support community colleges. Governor Brown has expanded registration policies that allow him to transfer to UC State colleges or Cal State (CSU) through community colleges to ease the burden of tuition fees for low-income students. In addition, some employment majors have allowed community colleges to offer a four-year bachelor's degree.

In the case of Korean students, the number of successful candidates has increased, but the average rate of acceptance has decreased. The total number of Korean applicants selected was 2,491, an increase of 65 more than the 2,246 in the previous year. On the other hand, the success rate dropped by 3.6 percentage points, from 73.3% to 77.7%. On campus, Irvine was down 11.2% from 776 people last year, while Riverside was down 6.3%, San Diego 5.5% and 983 people and 918 people . Only 466 of the 2630 candidates in Los Angeles pbaded the minimum success rate (18.1%) compared to the campus. The Korean success rate for Berkeley is 22.9%.

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