Actor & # 39; Trump and Sexual Exposure & # 39;, Band Run Stopped


  Cup taken after the arrest of Stormy Daniels. [REUTERS=연합뉴스]

Cup taken after Stormy Daniels was arrested. [REUTERS=연합뉴스]

Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford), a bad actress who had bad with US President Donald Trump, was arrested while she was playing at a strip club.

According to foreign media reports, Daniels was arrested the previous day for alleged physical contact with a guest during a strip-tease show at an Ohio club the night before.

A New York Times (NYT) police report showed that Daniels had shot his face from the club by dancing with his upper body in the club at that time. I did a similar behavior to the three policemen who were undercover.

Ohio law states that a nudist or half-naked employee or customer of a striptease club must be punished when he touches himself.

Immediately after his arrest, Daniel's lawyer, Michael Aveni, responded by saying, "It's a ploy of political goals. Abenathi told Twitter: "I have been arrested for allowing customers to touch each other on stage, not in a badual way.There is a political motivation, and there is a stinky smell." Daniels was released on bail of $ 6,000.

However, the prosecution made a dismissal decision, saying that Daniels had not been charged. The Ohio law prohibits physical contact with guests only when they occur regularly in clubs, as Daniels first appeared in the club.

Later, Abenathy's lawyer thanked the prosecution for his expertise.

Daniels has been touring the United States since last winter and performing at a strip club. The day will also be played in another Columbus club, said Aveneti.

In January, Daniels disputed having bad with President Trump during the 2006 agreement. Trump said he had agreed not to discuss the issue with President George W Bush for $ 130,000 before the 2016 presidential election, and filed a lawsuit alleging that the secret contract is null and void.

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