The Embassy of Ethiopia in Eritrea has opened its doors in 20 years


Normalization of diplomatic relations after the declaration of … "Hatred and discrimination, end of the plot"

Ethiopia and Eritrea, neighboring countries of East Africa, are pacifying their efforts to normalize diplomacy after the declaration of war.
"Eritrea opened its embbady in Addis Ababa (the Ethiopian capital) nearly 20 years after observing the leaders of both countries," Fisum Arrega, the prime badistant to the Ethiopian prime minister, told his Twitter website on Tuesday.

"The full normalization of relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea will create an ideal situation to address strategic issues between the two countries."

According to sources including Reuters, the Prime Minister of Abi Ahmed Ethiopia and President Isaias Pawelki Eritrea sported the same day the Eritrean flag at the Embbady of Eritrea and looked around the world. # 39; building.

Ernesto Meserel, On Twitter, the reopening of the Embbady gave meaning to "an important milestone showing the peace and friendship of our two nations".

On 9 September, Prime Minister Ahmed and the President of the Republic of Afghanistan announced the end of the 20-year-old border dispute and agreed to normalize diplomatic relations.

President Appeerki on Thursday visited the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, and the two presidents attended a concert celebrating the end of the war on the 15th.

The President of the Republic of Afghanistan stated at the concert that "hatred, discrimination and conspiracy are now over."

Regular flights between Ethiopia and the United States. Eritrea will also resume this week.

Eritrea declared independence in 1993 after a 30-year struggle after the merger with Ethiopia in 1952.

However, as a result of the Battle of Badme between 1998 and 2000, more than 70,000 deaths occurred in both countries and a peace treaty was signed in 2000, but the conflict continued.

After the inauguration of Prime Minister Ahmed Ethiopia in April this year, the conflicts between the two countries were resolved dramatically by normalizing relations with Eritrea.

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(Cairo: Yonhap News)

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