Trump, weak on Putin's controversy … "Behavior for the future" Explanation


  On December 16, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a summit in Helsinki, Finland. [AFP=연합뉴스]

On December 16, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a summit in Helsinki, Finland. [AFP=연합뉴스]

"I watched the most embarrbading of the President of the United States"

The United States, who attended the US-Russian summit of US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, The media criticized him. This is because President Trump broke with the expectation that tension tension would be involved in the meeting of both people, and that it coincided with the author,

At a press conference following the summit, President Trump pointed out that he had denied the "Russian scandal". Russia is investigating suspicions regarding Russia's participation in the presidential election, which has been under investigation for more than a year due to suspicions that Russia would have participated in the 2016 US presidential election.

At a press conference, President Trump said: "The investigation did not allow the United States and Canada to Russia to cooperate.It is a disaster for the United States, "he said," it is stupid to raise suspicions about the involvement of Russia in the elections. " Putin also said: "Russia has never participated in the US presidential election and has no intention of interfering with the electoral process in the United States."

  On December 16, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a summit in Helsinki, Finland. [연합뉴스]

On December 16, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a summit in Helsinki, Finland. [연합뉴스]

The US press blamed President Trump at the same time. Trump's remarks mean that he does not trust American intelligence agencies.

CNN reported that "(this press conference) was President Trump's most embarrbading and surprising moment". "It is not unusual for President Bush to weigh heavily on the comments of other countries without trusting intelligence agencies," he said. . Anderson Cooper, CNN presenter Anderson Cooper, who has lived in Russia, said, "You watched the most embarrbading behavior of the US President. It was a strange press conference.

The New York Times (NYT) said in a column titled "Trump and Putin against America" ​​that President Trump rejected the oath of office to protect the US constitution. Journal (WSJ) quoted former FBI director John Brennan as saying that "President Trump has proved himself in Putin's pocket."

This time Fox News, who was in favor of President Trump, Fox News said: "Trump has faced criticism from both sides. He missed the opportunity to face Putin with regard to the intervention in the presidential election. According to media reports, Republican Senator Jeff Flake said, "I did not even think the US president would meet the Russian president. I'm ashamed. "

Sen. Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer also held a press conference to condemn Trump." President Trump has prioritized Russia's interests over the United States, "he said, adding that "it is necessary to attend the hearing of the White House security team on Putin, who denies the allegations of presidential intervention."
President Trump has tackled the controversy. "I can not focus on the past to create a better future," he said in a photo taken with President Putin on Twitter, "We must live well as the world's greatest powers." with nuclear weapons. "

" We will pursue politics and risk political risk instead of risking peace, "he said," the productive dialogue is good for the United States and Russia as well as for the world".

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