"Child abuse" gives birth to "animal abuse"? (Research)


Is "child abuse" at the root of "animal abuse"? (Research)

Entry F
The child who abused animals was more likely to have been the victim of abuse himself.

St Martins Hospital in Bath, England According to researchers at the University of Tampa, children ages 10 and older who intentionally injure animals are two to three times more likely to have been abused than their children. peers that respect animals.

Dr. Fiona Finley, Ph.D., commented, "In order to protect children and vulnerable animals, it is important to have a history of animal abuse"

"The study has not demonstrated a causal relationship between child abuse and animal abuse, "said the researcher." The likelihood of abuse varied by bad, "

" Animal abuse is prevalent in children, with 44% of them likely to show them at some point, "and"

Dr. Richard Lee-Kelland of the research team said: "The L & # 39; animal "It is necessary to define the extent of abuse and whether it should be limited to large vertebrates such as dogs and cats." More research is needed to discover the type of abuse animals that represents child abuse. "

The results of the study were published in the Archives of Dise ase in Childhood July 16 (local time))


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Kwon Soon Il reporter
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