Call of adult food appeared in the Korean city … The employer and the Korean netizen rebound


  In the middle of the Korean city, outdoor advertising is criticized. [사진 미주중앙일보]

In the middle of the Korean city, outdoor advertising accusing Mt. [사진 미주중앙일보]

An International Animal Welfare Organization set up an outdoor billboard in the middle of a Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California city, highlighting the problem of acid edible.

The International Organization for Animal Welfare (PETA) supports the use of acidophilus at the intersection of Western Avenue on the LA Boulevard of the Korean city of Wilshire . The company said. In the outdoor advertisements installed, there is a picture of Mt. I am ME, not MEAT. "

PETA pointed out that" the dish is very cruel and gives the animal extreme pain. " of the Korean city also made public images of the food-making process by polishing live seafood such as mountain corners PETA Vice President Tracy Lyman said, "Make thin octopus legs cut and cooked is a good thing in a horror movie.They also insisted that the name of the restaurant should be mentioned and unsightly.

PETA's public criticism is that Koreatowns will not respond to any complaints despite their embarrbading reaction.One employer said during a phone conversation with the American JoongAng Ilbo that "there is not much empathy for the campaign, I will not answer. "There was also a voice called" an attack on ethnic minority food culture. "

When this fact was revealed, among Korean netizens," why Japan does not blame Japan for eating sushi and all Kinds of food "and" arrogant posture "came out.

PETA has been campaigning to encourage vegetarianism in recent years.The outdoor billboard at LA Korean Town will be released until the 5th next month.

 American demonstration against edible dog meat in Los Angeles [피플닷컴 캡처]

Demonstration against dog meat in Los Angeles [피플닷컴 캡처]

Meanwhile, American artists such as Priscilla Presley and Kim Basinger parade in front of the Consulate General of Los Angeles.This is near where acidic outdoor advertising is made.

Members of the Animal Protection Group, & Last hope for animals & # 39; (LCA), presented a t-shirt with the phrase "stop dog meat" in front of the main entrance of the Consulate General on the eve of the Korean Embbady I performed performances with stuffed dogs.

On the LCA website, "dog meat consumption increases in the name of" Boshin-tang "during the hottest days of the summer" Boknal "in Korea" and "protest against the 39, abuse of canine meat ". "He said.

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