"Presence of antibodies to hepatitis A, recent downtrend"


July 28 is the World Hepatitis Day of the World Health Organization (WHO). Hepatitis is similar to the early cold, so it's not considered a minority, but if left untreated, it can lead to life-threatening diseases like liver and liver cancer. Hepatitis is mainly caused by a viral infection. It is divided into hepatitis A, B and C depending on the virus causing hepatitis.

Hepatitis A is mainly caused by water or contaminated food,. It is very contagious and spreads rapidly among the population. Initially, it has symptoms similar to colds. It can also recover when antibodies are unknowingly produced and infected. Recently, however, hepatitis A is more severe than in the past.

The number of patients with hepatitis A in Korea decreased due to the improvement of health hygiene, but it has recently increased to 1804 in 2015, 4677 in 2016 and 4419 in 2017. The rate of anti-hepatitis A positive antibody is higher in people over the age of 50, but the rate of infection with the hepatitis A virus in 20 ~ 40 is increasing rapidly because young people have a low positive rate.

The Seoul Institute of Scientific Research badyzed the retention rate of anti-hepatitis A antibody in 424,245 patients between 2005 and 2014. As a result, the retention rate of antibodies Anti-hepatitis A increased from 69.6% to 32.4% in the 1930s and from 97.9% to 79.3% in the 1940s.

"I have been vaccinated against hepatitis A since 1997 in Korea, and since 2015, the country has introduced essential vaccines for infants and young children," said Ianna. However, studies have shown that the rate of retention of antibodies against hepatitis A is relatively low over the last 10 to 30 years. "

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[196590002] A% uD615% 20% uAC04% uC5FC% 20% uBC31% uC2E0% 20% uC811% uC885% 20% uBAa8% uC2B5% 20% 28% uC5F0% uD569% uB274% uC2A4%

70% of all hepatitis is type B. When a baby is born, it can be transmitted by a mother infected with hepatitis B virus. It is also infected by badual contact, blood transfusion or reuse of contaminated syringes. If you are infected, you can easily get tired, lose your appetite and cause nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, jaundice may appear in skin or yellowing eyes.

If an adult is infected with hepatitis B, he will recover most of the time without special treatment. Taking a lot of rest and eating high protein foods is a quick recovery. However, hepatitis B rarely progresses to a situation where a liver is needed or dies.

The most important precautionary measure in vaccination against hepatitis B is vaccination. In particular, if a mother who has hepatitis B gives birth to a baby, she should inoculate the vaccine before birth so that the newborn does not have hepatitis B.

In the past, hepatitis C was mainly transmitted by blood transfusion I was infected. However, in recent years, most people are infected with drug addiction, badual contact, the joint use of razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers and unsanitary (tattoos, piercings, acupuncture , reuse of syringes).

The characteristic of hepatitis C is that 70% of patients do not experience any particular symptoms. If left untreated, it is likely to develop chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer. As the preventive vaccine has not yet been developed, prevention of infection and early diagnosis through early diagnosis are the most important. Fortunately, oral medications have been developed and cured recently. The number of Canadian patients with hepatitis C is about 300,000, but the number of patients treated with hepatitis C is as low as 15-23%.

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