"Secularized Countries Behind Religion, More Prosperity in the 20th Century" (Tess)


Young and American research team … Tolerance to individual rights is important for growth

It is still unclear whether rich countries are secular, while poor countries tend to be religious, but whether secularization calls for prosperity or vice versa.

This subject has also been a long-standing controversy among researchers.

The French sociologist Émile du Lévy (1858-1917) stated that religion would gradually disappear once economic development satisfied material needs, but the German Max Weber (1864-1920) stated that The Protestant ethic allowed capitalist development. .

As debate continues to this day, research has shown that secularized countries have experienced economic growth in the twentieth century.

A joint research team from the University of Bristol and the University of Tennessee, The results of the badysis are based on the badysis of the values ​​of different countries and the relationship between their gross domestic product (GDP), the UK Independent and The Times, reported Tuesday.

An badysis of the relationship between secularization and growth in 109 nations of the world during the first century from 1900 to 2000 showed that economic growth was observed when less obsessed with religion.

The team said the findings were a partial response to a long-standing suspicion about the impact of secularization on the economy, and said it would spur controversy.

Principal author Unknown Unluck of Bristol University said, "What we have found is that secularism has priority over economic development, not the reverse."

Luck adds that only secularization, which respects the rights of individuals, leads to economic development.

In fact, statistical badysis has shown that the tolerance of individual rights predicted much more economic growth than secularization. For example, tolerance is the ultimate power for the success of a society.

For example, if a woman is able to divorce or abort, more women will come to work and lead to growth.

However, the researchers also acknowledged that additional research is needed in this result.
"Although secularization is accompanied by greater tolerance for homobaduality, abortion and divorce, not all religious countries are prosperous," he said. . "Religious groups have applied individual rights in a timely manner and are respectful I have to find a way to do it."

The results of the study were published in the international journal Science Advances.

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(Seoul-Yonhap News) Kim Ki-sung reporter

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