The inspection date of the North-South railway connection section is out … From the railroad


With both Korea confirming the date of joint inspection of the Gyeonui and Donghae lines, the resumption of inter-Korean railway cooperation in 10 years marked a new beginning.
However, with the recent prospect that North Korea's denuclearization agenda will continue for a long time, it is difficult to anticipate a radical transition in the near future.

On June 19, the Ministry of Unification said: "North Korea has proposed to jointly inspect the North-South connection section of the Gyeongui Line on the Donghae Line and the day of 24 to 20.

The North and South agreed to joint control of the Gyeongui Line and the Donghae Line in the middle of this month through the Rail Cooperation Subcommittee on the 26th of last month.

(MDL), Gyeongui Line is Gaeseong Station ~ MDL section.

The North and South conducted a survey of the North Korean railway at the end of the year 2007. If the North Korean joint investigation on the railways progresses on the 20th and the on the 24th, Korean railway cooperation will resume in 10 years.

The reconciliation and restoration of the Gyeongui and Donghae lines was promoted after the joint declaration of June 15 in June 2000 and the mutual agreement of restructuring of the North-South railways at the interdepartmental level in August of the same year.

The Gyeongui Line was completed in June 2003 and operated from December 2007 at Dorasan to Panmun Station, but was suspended in November 2008 due to the suspension notice from North Korea.

This road leads to the Kaesong Industrial Complex as an important artery connected to China TCR.

In December 2005, the Donghae Line was connected to the 7th km of the Zhengjin-MDL area.

This road is also a crucial route for the Trans-Russian Railroad (TSR), which was already connected in 2014 between the northern part of Rajin-Hbadan in Russia.

However, the southern reaches of Jijin – Gangneung (110.2 km) are not yet connected.

An official from the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs said: "Now that the procedure for confirming the status of the connection between Kyungui and Donghae is underway, it is difficult to predict how Improvement of the road will proceed in detail. " "

If a joint investigation into the Gyeongui Line and the Donghae Line is completed, it is expected that an investigation will be conducted on the entire northern side of these lines after negotiations between the two Koreas.

However, until now, there has been only an investigation into the actual conditions and joint research on railway cooperation between the two countries.

Large-scale inter-Korean railway economic cooperation to improve North Korea's aging railroad is only possible after the lifting of economic sanctions against North Korea.
A representative of the government said: "The problem of the denuclearization of North Korea has not yet been solved and the international community is facing sanctions against North Korea." We will make preparations for the situation is prepared without a hitch. "

[email protected]

(Sejong = News from Yonhap)

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