The CIA "In Cold Cold War Against The United States" … US Security Line "Medium Threat" & # 39; –


Entry 2018.07.21 17:54

Intelligence services such as the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have warned that "China is waging a cold and peaceful war against the United States."

According to CNN and other sources, Michael Collins, deputy director of the East Asia Mission Center of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), said at the Forum on the Aspen Security at Micronode, Donald Trump, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Intelligence Service (DNI) attended the forum.

Michael Collins Deputy Director of the Central Mission Mission Center of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Asphon Security Forum

He said, "It is different from the cold war between the former Soviet Union and the West, but literally means 'cold war'. "China does not want a physical conflict with the United States," he said, "China uses all kinds of forces, including the economy and the military, to bring down its rivals" .

Deputy Secretary Collins pointed out that China wanted China to become a US superpower. "When China decides on its political problems, all the countries of the world want China, not the United States," he said.

Christopher Ray, the FBI's director at the forum, also warned China of the threat. "From the point of view of the intelligence agency, China is the most widespread, the most difficult and the most serious threat to the United States," he said. "They do economic espionage as well as traditional espionage," he said.

Dan Kotsumi, director of the National Intelligence Service (DNI), also stressed: "The United States must decide whether China is genuine or a legitimate competitor". He said China was stealing US industrial secrets and academic research, saying, "We should start the border there."

The Defense Intelligence NCO, former Secretary of Defense, Marcel Reitri, warned against the expansion of military power in China. "China has the second largest defense budget in the world, the third largest air force, 300 warships and 60 submarines," he said. "Everything is being modernized and modernized." He said.

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