In Toronto, at least 10 people were killed in the shooting …


The killer dies on the spot

  ▲ At least 10 people were shot dead in Toronto, including a young girl on Sunday, February 22nd. (Photo by AP)
▲ At least 10 people, including a young girl, were shot dead in Toronto on Sunday, February 22nd.
[서울=내외뉴스통신] In Toronto, Toronto, at least 10 people were shot dead, including a young girl on Sunday (19659004). On the same day, at 10 pm, in Greytown, Toronto, the killer who killed 10 people died on the scene

. The local police say she has not yet identified exactly what the victims are doing.

John Tulloch, who was at the scene of the shooting, testified that he and his brother had rushed out of the car as soon as they heard the shots.

He said: "We ran (eagerly)" and "others ran (ran with my brother and me too)", explaining the impending situation at the time.

Local residents shouted gunshots and came out of the house to see what had happened. Late in the night, some of the events happened in the night. Emergency medical centers and police would arrive soon.

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