False vaccine on 250,000 babies … Mid-Health Authority Shish for 10 months


False Disguised Rabies Vaccine After Exposure SNS DTC Vaccine Release Revealed
Parents "Hong Kong go to vaccination" rabies
In the midst of a surprise of mid-government public opinion …

On the 21st, the official account of Wei Shin (Kakao Tark in China) was written, and Chinese President Shi Jingping (近 張平) issued an order of "strict censorship" China has rocked. This article, titled "The King of Vaccines," discovered the fact that a rabies vaccine manufactured by China's large-scale vaccine company Changchun Changsung Biotechnology is a fake.

It is the fact that the DTP (Tethenic Diphtheria) vaccine, which has been filed by the Food and Drug Administration, has already been vaccinated by 250,000 babies. DTC should be inoculated 4 times at 3, 4, 5 and 18 months according to the Chinese vaccination plan.

The company's DTC vaccine was discovered late last year when a problem was discovered and it was later discovered by the Food and Drug Administration of the province of Jilin in October of the same year. "The company has found no quality problems in the marketed vaccine," said the South Korean Food and Drug Administration, adding, "We have been working to complete the company's DTP vaccine with the vaccine."

The Xinhua Official News Agency said: "The Food and Drug Administration, which investigated companies on the 5th issue, said that this company is not responsible for" We confirmed rabies vaccine production records and product inspection records, "he said, adding that" we stopped production of the vaccine and collected the unused rabies vaccine and handed it over to the police. "According to the administrative penalty, the company was fined 344,000 yuan (about 570 million won.) At first glance, the government seems to have reacted quickly to the exposures, but the Chinese are irritated by the fact that vaccination of the failed vaccine was given to 250,000 babies for 10 months before the problem of the rabies vaccine was revealed.

The famous Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi said in a Wei Bo (Tw itter on China): "What would be impossible if the vaccine is all wrong?" The leading e-commerce company in China, Dong Dong Group CEO Liu Cheng (劉强 东) is also "We poor! The spirit of parents. This event should be explained for many children. It should be handled correctly for desperate parents. For the equity of the company! "It's a murder that the inoculated vaccine was administered to 250,000 children. Their profits have changed with people's lives. I am asking for the death penalty. "Wei Bo said:" This country has no credibility. If he was in the United States, he would have been fined at least $ 30 billion (about 33 trillion won) and the president would have been in his thirties. It's disappointing. Korea. "According to Hong Kong Mingbei, parents in China are" now forced to believe in foreign vaccines "and" go to Hong Kong to meet the vaccine. "Chinese leaders, embarrbaded by uncompromising criticism, have immediately reacted.When visiting Rwanda on October 23, he said: "The nature of this case is bad and we are shocked." Prime Minister Lee Kikang also said late on the night of the 22nd, " This incident crossed the last line of morality. This must be made clear to people.
Chinese authorities began to control the media and public opinion to prevent the deterioration of public opinion.The "king of vaccines" that provoked public opinion was removed of Wei Shing.

Beijing = Correspondent of Yun Wan Jun [email protected]

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