Tuzeo significantly reduces the incidence of hypoglycemia during the titration period


In recent years, the use of the next generation of basal insulin has expanded In June of this year, the American Diabetes Association (ADA 2018) introduced Toujeo , an insulin glargine 300 U (BRT), a large-scale, one-on-one, randomized controlled (RCT) trial for Tresiba (100 U / mL insulin dextrode)

As expected, the results showed similar control of blood glucose and low hypoglycemic incidence between the two products. However, hypoglycemia at the start of treatment was significantly lower than that of Tzeolio.

Professor Yoon, Gonho of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul, presented the "BRIGHT Clinical Outcomes" presented at the ADA on 25,

BRIGHT is a study of 929 patients with type 2 diabetes comparing the efficacy and safety of Tuzeo to Treshiba at 24 weeks.

After 24 weeks of treatment, Tuzeo and Tresiva showed a decrease in glycated hemoglobin relative to the basal level, respectively, of -1.64% and -1.59%, respectively. The incidence of hypoglycemia during the 24-week period was similar between the two.

However, during the initial 12-week period, hypoglycemia was 23% and the incidence of hypoglycemia was 26% lower in Tutzeo.

Professor Yoon said: "About 5% or more of patients with hypoglycemia suffer from insulin hypoglycemia during the first 6 months after the onset of insulin,

He said: "The hypoglycemia is an average of about 48 days after insulin administration, the dose is about the same as that of the patient. insulin, "Hypoglycemia in the first 3 months after insulin initiation may be a predictor of long-term hypoglycemia, and these patients have a risk 2 to 5 times more high to develop hypoglycemia because of their sensitivity to insulin. "" The effective and safe ability of insulin titration is an important factor in long-term outcomes. "

Professor Yoon said: "We believe that the safe and appropriate use of basal insulin Both products were similar in terms of efficacy. ctivity on ballast, "said Tuzeo." In particular, Tozeo has proven the lowest incidence of hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic events across the RCT during the treatment period, the period initial treatment. "

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