MK News – President Moon invites the Asian Games to Jakarta … Meet North Kim Jong Eun


On June 27, President Moon Jae-in received an official invitation to the Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games 2018 from Indonesian Foreign Minister Retonomar Soodi at the Blue House. It is expected that Kim Jong-un will soon receive an invitation letter from the Asian Games, and it should be noted that the Third Indo-Korean Summit will take place during the Asian Games (August 18 to August 2). September).

Moon met with Foreign Minister Retnomar Soodi at the Blue House the same day and said, "We are grateful that the two Koreas meet at the same time at the Asian Games in Jakarta-Palembang, Je I would like to say: "I wish the success of the Asian Games". "I hope that this tournament will be a good opportunity to further promote diplomacy and cooperation through sport among all Asian countries as well as to improve the quality of the game. between the two Koreas. "

President Moon said, "President Choko Wu is almost the same as me and the philosophy of national affairs, it also looks like the way he communicates with people, so he looks like a friend and comrade. In the meantime, he said: "The diplomatic ministers of both countries, such as the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea and the Radical Minister of Korea, are the first women ministers of foreign affairs".
Mr Moon said: "Indonesia has always supported the efforts of the Korean peninsula for full denuclearization and peace, especially just after the inter-Korean summit in April, President Zeko Wu led the ambbadadors of the Korean Peninsula. Indonesia at the presidential palace.Thank you for inviting me to celebrate. "
On April 30, President Jocowi convened Indonesia's ambbadador to Indonesia and Indonesia's ambbadador to Aung Kyeong He to celebrate the first inter-Korean summit on April 30 in Jakarta, Indonesia. "Indonesia was an old friend and partner of both Koreas,"

Minister Sethi Rethno Margheris said: "I am very lucky to learn that the Korean team has formed some teams of Two Koreas in this Asian match. "I congratulate you," he said. "Therefore, I hope that President Moon Jae-in will be able to attend the Asian Games with the desire of the President of the United States." Indonesia and the people, "he told the president directly.
For President Moon Jae-in and President Kim Jong Eun to hold the third summit in Indonesia, concrete results should be achieved: for example, the end of talks between North Korea, North Korea, the United States and China.

A government official said: "For the inter-Korean summit to be held in Indonesia, there must be a real problem between the two countries to make a final decision." According to the result of the South's negotiation, the summit could take place first in Indonesia, not in Pyongyang. "

[강계만 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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