The President of the European Commission, Junko "Popo, Trump first"


[Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Trump] "It is not surprising that I did not start with my usual behavior," he told the German public broadcaster ARD in an interview with the German public broadcaster ARD, according to # 39; AFP. "

I do not know," he said. "The picture shows the atmosphere of the moment."

President Trump embarked on Twitter on the 25th, holding a photo from a photo of a cheering crowd on the balls of each other.

At the White House meeting at the White House to face the trade war, President Jr. and Trump told the EU that the EU would increase imports of LNG and American beans,

The EU has decided to suspend the imposition of additional duties on US products during trade negotiations.

million. Trump said that the president of Jukker, (19659002) [email protected]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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