Finding a new cure for memory loss


▲ Dr. Kipnis discovered an innovative way to treat Alzheimer's disease and neurodegenerative diseases through the lymph nodes of the elderly mouse brain. [사진=UPI 제공]

Research finds new ways to prevent the sudden loss of memory caused by Alzheimer's disease or other diseases, researchers report.

The research team of the I & # 39; University of Virginia Medical School has been able to dramatically improve the cognitive capacity and memory of aging mice through improvement of the lymphatic system.

Researchers have discovered that the immune system-related brain and lymphatic system play a direct role in memory and cognitive decline, including Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Jonathan Kipnis, a scientist, discovered in 2015 that the brain is surrounded by lymphatic vessels. Dr. Kipnis, head of the Center for Neurological and Cerebral Immunology and leader of the long-range neuroscience group, pointed out that "discovering that the brain was surrounded by a lymphatic system was the best medical and technological value of the year ".

"If we can make an old rat wiser", it tells us that there is something or a cause to do. In fact, I am optimistic that this study will soon be able to cure Alzheimer's disease and live happily ever after. "

" The flow of vascular aging from the brain of an old rat to the lymph nodes (lymph nodes) "We injected a compound into the neck of a mouse to dilate the tube and thin the fluid to improve it, "he explains. "We have discovered that it dramatically improves the cognitive abilities and memory of the mouse." [19659003"Wefirstdiscoveredthatoneoftheoldestpeoplehadrevolutionarycognitiveabilitiesthroughtheimmunesystem"DrPaulAmesquittaalong-waveresearcher(UVA)said:"ThepathologyofhumanbrainsandRatsandpathologyofAlzheimer'sdisease"DuetothehighsimilarityofthebadoguesitcanleadtoaphenomenonsimilartohumanAlzheimer'sdiseasebyalteringthelymphaticfunctionofthemouse"[19659003] Dr. Kipnis said, "To explore the potential clinical applications of this study," One way is to combine improving the vasculature with a different approach. "

He also said, "The treatment of Alzheimer's disease" But we can improve the high functionality of the lymphatic system so that the brain of the old rat becomes a young and fresh brain. "And that" our team will soon be able to understand the result. "

IT News / Journalist Lim Jung-ho journalist [email protected]

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