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US Secretary of State, "Korea is deliberating on each North Korean sanctions exemption requested"

Pompei Oh "military communication line approved ... other is in the & [[[study"

| US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will testify at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Sunday, November 25. 2018-07-30 19:35 final edit

. © AFP = News 1 © Woo Dong-Myung News

There is growing interest in the US government's position on the Korean government's approval of North Korean sanctions at the UN Security Council. the UN for joint projects between the two Korea.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mike Pompeii, said at a Senate hearing Thursday that he "wondered if the United States was considering an exception." (Review), "said late.

Pompei added:" We approved the military communications line, and others are currently under study. "

The Korean government has recently received outstanding approvals for fuel, materials and vehicle movements to restore the North Korean military communication line.The government has also approved a global moratorium on the import of materials for maintenance. and the rehabilitation of Mount Geumgang facilities for the reunion of separated families.

Pompei also said: "The request of South Korea was made public and it was conducted by the Sanctions Committee of the United States. UN. "The request was" in accordance with the sanctions regime. "

On this subject, a government official said on July 30:" The military communications line has already been recognized as an exception, and It is difficult to confirm follow-up projects. "I asked. "

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