Trump, Kashu on the recognition of death … "The result will be serious" (compliment)


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Trump, Kashu on the recognition of death ... "The result will be serious" (compliment)

"I'll admit to death without a miracle"
Saudi prisoner is not responsible for the death

(Seoul = News 1) Kim Yun Kyung reporter | 2018-10-19 06:54 Songwon

Turn off Jamal Kashu. © AFP = News 1

US President Donald Trump said he believes that Saudi columnist Jamal Kbadujji was dead, the New York Times (Reuters) and Reuters reported.

In a brief interview with NYT reporters, President Trump spoke in depth of the claim that the Saudis of Prince Mohammed bin Salman were responsible for Kashu's death, while claiming that the prince had ordered the death of Kashu. 39, badbadination and that was the most serious of his mandate. And this sparked one of the foreign policy crises.

Trump said, "This (Kashu's death) has unfortunately captured the imagination of the entire world." "This is not a good thing."

"Unless a miracle happens, I'll admit that he's dead," he said.

Shortly thereafter, President Trump will meet other journalists at Andrews base and ask them, "If Saudi leaders get involved in this case, what will happen next?", I would be very strict. But let's look more. "

Trump said: "We are waiting for detailed results from three different surveys," he said, explaining the nature of Kashu's disappearance.

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