MK News – Korean artists from around the world painted around the world


The 'World Festival of Korean National Art & # 39; It's open at Hangaram Design Museum from 8th to 14th
207 people work in exhibitions in 19 countries … North Korea will show 20 oil paintings

(Seoul-Yonhap News) Jung-ah Reporter: The "World Festival of Korean Art 2018" will be held at the Hangaram Design Museum in Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, August 8-24, to present the works of Korean artists working in different countries of the world.

The Korean badociation for the promotion of l & # 39; Korean Art (KCIA) has presented its intentions and participating artists at the "World Festival of Korean Art 2018" during the year. a press conference held at a restaurant in Jung – dong, Jung – gu, Seoul.

This year, the third year after 2014 and 2016, 207 authors from 19 countries, including Korea, will present their work one by one. This year, more than 10 Europeans, including France, Sweden and the Netherlands, eight from the United States, six from Central Asia and five from South America, have come to the region .

The badociation also cooperated with the North Dangun Art Museum (Choi Myung Soo) in Dandong, China, inviting 20 North Korean writers.

There are many oil paintings of young artists, such as Kim Sung-hee, born in 1989, Kim Sung-ryong, born in 1989, and Park Sang-pil, born in 1981,

The images of North Korean oil paintings distributed to the media that day are those that captured Baekdu Mountain, a folk village, lakeside scenery, a knitwear or a mother who it takes care of children.

Park Sam – pil, creator of the creative society of Samjiyeon, participates in this event with his father, Park Young – chul, North Korean artist. Alicia della Cappabudo, a 3-year-old Korean Cuban painter, works with her son, Kutala della Kampa Gabriel Antonio.

The theme of this year's exhibition is "Where is my house?"

Yoon Bum-Mo, a professor in the art history department of Dongguk University, said: "I have tried to invite as many people as possible. 39, Korean artists from Central Asia and South America who were unlikely to be introduced to Korea. "He said.

At the opening day, writers such as Yeo Tae Myung and Seok Chang Woo presented a 30-minute show on the theme of Korean national urgency and prosperity. A seminar will be held on the same day to discuss the themes of the exhibition and the diaspora of the Korean people. It will include the chairman of the Yoon Exhibition Planning Committee, the director of the Gwangju Municipal Art Museum and the art critic Lee Sun Young.

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