A $ 200 billion lottery fortune will be abandoned in a truck


Bring the single 50's … I know I dropped it on the truck.
"I am going to build a charity named after my grandson"

LOREN WEST (Center) Receives a Check worth $ 343.9 Million (about 38.65 Billion Won) at Powerball Lottery Headquarters in Cleve, Iowa, United States May 5th. Cleve = AP News

The 50-year-old American single mother who raised her three daughters earned a lottery ticket worth several hundred billion won. The woman, who had forgotten the lottery, discovered that she was winning through the phone of her friend, who informed him of the winner in the area where she lived.

LONDON, Aug. 5 (UPI) – One of the two winners of the Powerball lottery on Monday, the first prize was $ 688 million (about 773 billion won). Half of this amount is his share. West, which cashed the lump sum, received $ 199.1 million (about 226.2 billion won) less taxes. Powerball has won awards for 11 consecutive weeks, as the winners did not come out after August 11th.

"I did not even know the lottery was in my sister's truck, not in my bag, until my friend told me over the phone that I had a Powerball winner at Redfield," he said. said West at a press conference. He did not know that the lottery was not in his bag. So he called his sister to ask him to check if the lottery was in the truck. On the 26th day before the day of the draw, he moved with the help of his sister. Fortunately, she found a lottery ticket in the truck and took a picture of the lottery number and sent it to her sister.

"I had to work a weekend, a day or two, with one mind, my daughters and I always dreamed of winning the lottery," said the winner. He also announced his intention to help charities by winning. I plan to start a foundation bearing the name of a grandchild born premature in April and deceased in a day. "I feel a sense of responsibility to do good things with this money," he said, "I think I'll give some to friends and family." The first thing I want to buy as a winner is a car that can burn all my grandchildren. He is now a grandmother with six grandchildren.

A journalist for an aperitif [email protected]

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